Taking the Radio Camping, 1924

1924JulRadioAgeA hundred years ago, this father-son duo were entertaining themselves on an otherwise slow afternoon by tuning in a radio program in some distant city. They are pictured in the July, 1924, issue of Radio Age, which notes that no camping trip was complete without its radio equipment. No matter where you went, you couldn’t be so far as to not be able to pull in a broadcasting station.

1954 British One Tube Receiver

1954JulRadioConstructorSeventy years ago this month, the July 1954 issue of the British publication Radio Constructor carried the plans for this one-tube regenerative receiver for the “veriest beginner” to radio. The magazine noted that such a beginner may not yet know how to read schematics, and the the magazine thus carried Heathkit-style step-by-step instructions for wiring it up.

Future issues of the magazine would add improvements, which would ultimately result in a three-tube set.


Most Telephoned Girl in the World, 1924

1924Jul22A hundred years ago today, this unnamed woman was named the “most telephoned girl in the world.” The title didn’t come from her receiving the most calls, but by her image being transported over phone lines. The July 22, 1924, issue of the New Britain (CT) Herald noted that it was “this beauty that the research laboratories of the American Telephone and Telegraph company selected for experiments on ways of retaining clarity and loveliness in reprodcution and transmission of telephoned pictures.” He picture was on the cover of the instruction booklet for the AT&T Telephotography service.

Arvin Model 242T “Keen-Teen” Radio, 1949

1949JunRadioRetailingSeventy five years ago, this lucky young woman (now about 92 years old) was the new owner of her very own radio, the Arvin Model 242T “Keen-Teen” radio. It was aimed at the nation’s eight million teen girls, who saw it prominently advertised in the “Back to School” issue of Seventeen magazine.

This ad, in the July 1949 issue of Radio & Television Retailing, reminded dealers that this issue of the magazine was the “Style Bible” of the school and college crowd. In addition to the magazine ad, there would be a point of sale display featuring the actual ad. They were urged to be ready when the magazine hit the newsstands on August 1. The four-tube set retailed for $14.95, which works out to $197 in 2024 dollars. But mom and dad probably cashed in a war bond, which was keen.

Broadcast Station Protection Program, 1984

1984RadioFalloutShelterShown here is some key station in the Emergency Broadcast System, after it was equipped to stay on the air after a nuclear attack. The diagram appears in a 1984 FEMA publication, Broadcast Station Protection Program, which outlined the program. Much of the hardening would be paid for by the government, such as construction of fallout shelters for station personnel, emergency generators, and remote pickup equipment to link the station back to the EOC.

The cost of stocking the station with food and supplies for the staff was the responsibility of the station owner and licensee. Facilities were designed to be adequate, although austere.

1964 Admiral TVs

1964Jul17LifeSixty years ago today, the July 17, 1964 issue of Life Magazine carried this ad showing the 19-inch offerings of Admiral TV. Shown are the Catalina (P9750 Series), the Spectator (P9640 Series) and Futura (P9430 Series) models. All featured all-channel tuning (channels 2-83) and private listening earphones. The Catalina and Spectator featured timers to turn the set on or off at a pre-set time. All were “portable,” in that they could be moved from one place to another by one person. But they spent most of their time in the same place, near an electrical outlet of course.

The set I watched as a child resembled the “Catalina,” although ours didn’t have the timer or the earphone.

1965 Grocery Prices

1965July15PghFor a snapshot of grocery prices in 1965, this ad for Loblaw’s supermarket appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on July 15, 1965.

Chicken was 39 cents a pound, sugar was just over a dime a pound, and a six pack of Pepsi was only 39 cents, plus deposit.

Of course, there’s been a lot of inflation since then. According to this inflation calculator, you need to multiply those prices by about 10 to get the equivalent in 2024 dollars.

What would you buy for dinner in 1965?

POTA/WWFF/U.S. Islands: Rock Island State Park, WI

RockIslandRockIslandMapOver the Fourth of July weekend, my son and I decided to make a spur-of-the-moment camping trip to Rock Island State Park, Wisconsin, which is at the northern tip of Door County and at the entrance of Green Bay. It’s a state park accessible only by boat. Unless you have your own boat, you take a car ferry from the mainland to Washington Island, drive across that Island, park your car, and then take a passenger ferry to Rock Island.  No reservations are required for either ferry, and they add as many boats as necessary to accommodate the traffic.  We bought a round trip on both ferries at the dock, and the cost was about $90 for one car and two passengers.

cartThe campground is about a quarter mile from the boat landing, and the park provides carts, shown here, to move your stuff. My son did the hauling, and we quickly had our campsite, which was right on the shore of Lake Michigan, set up.

Like most state park campgrounds, sites fill up fast, especially on a holiday weekend. But when I checked two days before arrival, there were sites available for both Friday and Saturday night. They were different sites, meaning we would have to move after the first night. But fortunately, the occupants of one of the sites had left early, and after checking with the campground host and warden, we were allowed to have the same site both nights.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a camping trip without bringing a radio, and I brought along the QRP Labs QCX Mini, shown here. This is a handheld CW transceiver for one band (in my case, 40 meters). For the power supply, I brought along my fish finder battery, which I also used to charge my cell phone. (We did have good cell phone service from most of the island, including the campground, through Boost Mobile.  My son, on the other hand, who has service through Tello, had no signal, so your mileage might vary.)

I made a total of 33 radio contacts over the course of a couple of hours, covering the eastern half of North America, from Quebec to Georgia.  If I had stayed up later, I would have been able to work the western United States.  But 40 meters covers long distances best at night, and I shut down around local sunset, meaning the West Coast didn’t have a chance to work me.  Ideally, I would have been on 20 meters as well for some daytime contacts, but I wanted to keep the station size and weight to a minimum.  The complete log is shown below.

GolfBallRetrieverI used my usual antenna, namely, a dipole supported by my trusty golf ball retriever leaning against the picnic table, with the two 33-foot wires extending out from the table.  The wires were actually just draped over tree branches.  You don’t need an elaborate antenna to get out well.  Despite the various reasons that it shouldn’t work (too low, touching trees, etc.), it got out very well.

You will notice that many of the contacts are with 1×1 call signs who, along with WM3PEN, were taking part in the 13 Colonies special event.  If you are doing a park activation during a similar event or contest, that’s always a good opportunity to put some contacts in the log.

Our campsite

Our campsite

Other notable contacts included WB8IZM, who was operating from another park, Potagannissing Flooding Wildlife Management Area near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and KB0HXL, who was operating from his car in Indiana.

I’ve always enjoyed operating from remote locations with portable equipment, an activity which has gotten easier over the years with the advent of radios such as the QCX.  It’s also become a very popular activity.  Starting in 2016, the National Parks On The Air (NPOTA) activity was extremely popular, and after it ended, many American hams continued, thanks to the WWFF (World Wide Flora and Fauna in Amateur Radio) activity that had started to enjoy popularity in Europe.  Shortly thereafter, a separate program, Parks On The Air (POTA) has become extremely popular.  In addition, since I was on an Island, I was able to participate in the U.S. Islands Award Program.  I was able to hand out contacts for all three programs.  I didn’t make the required 44 contacts to make it an official activation for WWFF, but I was able to meet the minimums for both POTA and US Islands.  If I had been able to get on 20 meters, I’m sure I would have made many more contacts, but as it was, I was able to give credit for a fairly rare park.

And even though we had cell phone coverage (except for a brief outage on Sunday morning), it’s reassuring to know that, in case of emergency, we have a reliable method of communications with the outside world.

Rock Island boathouse (43110794831)Rock Island was originally developed as the vacation getaway of inventor Chester Thordarson, founder of the transformer company that bears his name.  He built the iconic boathouse shown here, which serves as the terminal for the passenger ferry.  The campground is located about a quarter mile away, with a more distant backpacking campground somewhat further away.  We also hiked to Pottawatomie Light , Wisconsin’s oldest lighthouse, dating to 1836.  The lighthouse is about 1.5 miles from the campground.

With carts available, setting up camp on foot was relatively easy.  Unlike backpacking, where you have to consider every ounce, the carts made the trip fairly easy.  It would have worked a bit better to bring a wagon from home, since we could have just packed it once before getting on the ferry.  Also, the provided carts were somewhat heavy, and a wagon probably would have been a bit easier to move.  Large wheels are important, because the paths on Rock Island are, well, rocky.  I was initially thinking of just packing things in a roll-on suitcase, but this would have been a bad choice, since the wheels would have just been too small.  We used an inexpensive tent and air mattress.  The ground is covered with roots and rocks, so some kind of pad is a must.

Flush toilets are available near the boathouse, and the campground has vault toilets.  Drinking water is available near the boathouse.  We realized on the way that we hadn’t brought a water container, so we just bought a one-gallon jug of water and filled it as needed.  Firewood is available on the island for $7 (cash only),  We used that for most of our cooking, although I did some of it on the emergency stove I previously reviewed.  I discovered that four fuel tablets were about enough to boil enough water for oatmeal and coffee.  We had only a very small cooler, so for the first night, we cooked some brats on the fire, but on the second day, we ate packaged food such as ramen noodles, to which you just add hot water.  Another convenient meal choice was a prepared meal such as Hormel Compleats.  These avoid any cleanup, since you can just put the sealed meal in a pot of hot water.  Packets of meat such as the pulled pork we previously reviewed are also easy to cook this way.

There is a very small camp store on Rock Island, but other than a few bags of chips and a few Clif bars, they don’t sell food or camping supplies.  It’s mostly souvenirs and apparel.  So you do need to plan ahead.  But as long as you do your minimal planning, Rock Island provides an opportunity to easily do some camping completely off the grid.



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Adding Marine Band to AM Radio, 1964

1964JulPM1Sixty years ago this month, the July 1964 issue of Popular Mechanics showed how to add Marine Band (1600-3600 kHz) coverage to a standard AM radio. You simply added a switch to swap out the antenna and oscillator coils. The magazine recommended using a short wire antenna, and careful tuning. It noted that the band was alive at all hours, so you wouldn’t want for a signal.


1944 Signal Corps FM Transmitter-Receiver

1944JulRadioNewsEighty years ago this month, the July 1944 issue of Radio News featured on its cover this U.S. Army Signal Corps photo of a radio operator reporting troop movements from his concealed position. It noted that his radio was a late model FM transmitter-receiver designed for armored vehicles. The magazine noted that the set was de-mountable and occasionally set up as shown here for field service.