Category Archives: Scouting

1924 One Tube Broadcast Receiver

1924MayBLA hundred years ago this month, the May 1924 issue of Boys’ Life showed scouts how to put together this one tube broadcast receiver. The design was the winner of a contest put on by the magazine as the very best one-tube receiver. The winner was C.H. Brown of Edgewood, Maryland.

The magazine noted that the set was not regenerative. That was good, in that it wouldn’t break into a squeal to the consternation of listeners living nearby. It could be used for ‘phone signals, modulated CW, and spark transmissions. It was, however, no good for those newfangled CW signals that were showing up on the air.

A number of tubes could be used in the set, such as a UV-199, C-299, UV-201A, or C-301A. The set used a reflex design, meaning that the tube had two functions. It first amplified the incoming RF signal, which was then detected by a crystal detector. It was then fed back to the same tube which amplified the audio. This design accounted for the extraordinary distance and volume of which the set was capable.

Total cost was said to be about $18.00.


1954 Homemade Boat

1954MarBLIf a scout 70 years ago needed a boat, he could make this one himself, thanks to the plans found in the March 1954 issue of Boys’ Life. Dubbed the “Nee Deep”, the 8-foot punt had a carrying capacity of two to three persons. It could be powered by oars, or a small outboard motor of less than 3-1/2 horsepower.

Most of the boat was pine, with the bottom being a sheet of 1/4 inch exterior plywood.

Of course, don’t follow the example of the scout in the illustration.  When you’re out on the water, you should have (and preferably wear) a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device.



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Give Your Boy Scout a Brownie, 1924

Screenshot 2024-02-12 12.56.33 PMIf you were in the market for a gift for your Boy Scout a hundred years ago to celebrate the anniversary of the BSA, you couldn’t go wrong by getting him a Brownie camera from the Eastman Kodak Company. And if you were in Omaha, the place to get it would be the Kodak counter of the Robert Dempster Co., 1813 Farnam Street, as seen in this ad from the February 13, 1924, issue of the Omaha Bee.

While London Burned: Scout Edward John Cox

EdwardJohnCoxThe February 1944 issue of Boys’ Life carried the stories of a number of British Scouts who had demonstrated bravery during World War II. Shown here is Scout Edward John Cox. During a heavy air raid, he was stationed at his post on the roof of St. George’s-in-the-East Church.

His mother and younger sisters had taken refuge in the crypt under the church. Incendiary bombs crashed around him, and he seized sandbags to quickly extinguish them. But as the raid continued, a big bomb blast into the church belfry, which almost immediately became a roaring mass of flames.

One of the men around him realized that eventually, the belfry would collapse, causing the massive bells to fall through the church and into the crypt. He raced down and gasped out the news to the marshal. Together, they started evacuating the mothers and children. Scout Cox kept going back again and again until all of the children were evacuated.

The last person had just been evacuated when the timbers of the belfry broke through the church and into the crypt.

The UK Scout Association awarded Scout Cox the Silver Cross, an award for acts of bravery in the face of danger where life has been at considerable risk.

1924 Telephone Workers: Risking Life and Limb

1924FebBLA hundred years ago, the telephone had become an essential part of American life, and the public had come to take it for granted as part of their normal business and social lives, as well as relying upon it in emergencies.

But The Telephone Company and its workers didn’t take it for granted. Despite fire or storm or flood, the telephone operator stuck to her switchboard. And the lineman and a quarter million employees risked life, limb, and even health to make sure that messages continued to go through.

All the public had to do for all of this was to pay the moderate cost.

This ad appeared in the February 1924 issue of Boys’ Life.

Wigwag Signaling

1963OctBLSixty years ago this month, the October 1963 issue of Boys’ Life magazine showed Scouts the art of wigwagging, which is the “other” method of sending a message with signal flags. The most common method, semaphore, uses two flags, and each letter is sent by holding the flags in a certain position. Wigwag, on the other hand, uses a single flag, and uses Morse code. For a dot, the flag is waved in a figure eight to the sender’s right. The dash is formed by waving the flag to the sender’s left.

For a break between letters, the flag is held upright. After each word, the flag is held down.

Coke Ad: 1953

1953SepBLSeventy years ago, America’s youth knew how to make a party click, thanks to the spin of a record, the cut of a caper, and, of course, a bottle of Coke.

This ad appeared in the September 1953 issue of Boys’ Life.

1963 Science Fair Ideas


If Junior is looking for ideas for the science fair, here are some oldies but goodies, from the August 1963 issue of Boys’ Life. Any of these will certainly earn Junior a nice participation ribbon. But if you’re looking for more spectacular ideas, some of which are very easy, and some of which are very complicated, be sure to check out our full category of Science Fair Ideas.

Flag Day 1923

1923Jun14WashTimesToday is Flag Day in the United States, the anniversary of the adoption of the U.S. flag by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. A hundred years ago today, Flag Day 1923 saw the convening in Washington of the National Flag Conference, an assembly of a number of patriotic organizations, such as the American Legion and the Boy Scouts of America.

As shown by this clipping from that day’s Washington Times, President Warren G. Harding addressed the assembled delegates. The main order of business was the adoption of a code of etiquette surrounding the display of the flag.  That code was ultimately enacted by Congress in 1942 as the U.S. Flag Code.

Kids with Bicycles Wanted for Wartime Deliveries

1943JuneBLThis interesting ad appeared in Boys’ Life magazine eighty years ago this month, June 1943. It encouraged boys and girls to do their part toward the war effort by making themselves and their bicycles available to local retailers for deliveries, since they were “finding difficulty in getting grown men for delivery work.”

For kids who already had a bike, they could start offering their services.  But if they didn’t have one, they could “go to their nearest Roadmaster Bicycle (Cleveland Welding Company) dealer and ask him to help you fill out an application to get a bicycle.”

The application was necessary because bicycles, like many wartime commodities were being rationed, and were available only to those in critical occupations.  Specifically, they were not being made as children’s toys.  But if the kids were willing to be the last mile of the wartime supply chain, then presumably they qualified.

The wartime models were bare bones, without many features.  So the ad encouraged kids to  invest their earnings in war bonds, and buy a post-war model as soon as they became available.