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Telling Directions with the Sun

1965MarBLSixty years ago this month, the March 1966 issue of Boys’ Life carried a feature by William “Green Bar Bill” Hillcourt showing a number of methods to determine the points of the compass. The method shown above, if you had the time, was exact.

1965MarBL2A faster but less accurate method was shown at the left. You place a straight stick in the ground so that it casts no shadow. You wait, and the inevitable shadow will be pointing approximately west. How close the method worked depended on how close you were to noon, and how close you were to the equinoxes.

1965 Ham Station Budgets

Sixty years ago this month, the March 1965 issue of Electronics Illustrated offered some guidance on equipment for the new ham. The magazine noted that there was a lot of information on learning the code and getting your license, but it was sparse when it came to setting up a new station.

Therefore, they showed possible stations for four different price points: $100, $250, $500, and $1000.

The hundred dollar station consisted of an Ameco AC-1T transmitter kit, along with a Lafayette KT-320 general coverage receiver. The next step up would be a Heathkit DX-60 transmitter and HR-10 receiver. There was enough in the budget for a Lafayette 9902501 VFO.

For $500, the magazine recommended an E.F. Johnson Viking Ranger II, and Lafayette HA-350 receiver.

The well heeled ham could spend $1000 on a Hallicrafters HT-37 transmitter and Drake R-4 receiver.

Sunrise Eclipse, March 29, 2025

NYEclipseThere is a partial solar eclipse taking place the morning of Saturday, March 29. In North America, it will be visible at sunrise, basically northeast of a line extending from Washington, DC, to Toronto. It will be visible in Boston, Montreal, Quèbec City, and throughout Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. In most of Western Europe, it will be visible in the late morning. To find the information at your location, you can use the map found at this link.

This eclipse is “just” a partial eclipse, so if you didn’t know anything was happening, you might miss it. But it’s still an interesting phenomenon.

But in North America, it has the potential for a spectacular view, as it will be a sunrise eclipse. Instead of a normal sunrise that morning, you will see the crescent sun rising. The picture above was taken during the sunrise eclipse of June 10, 2021. This one will present a similar view from the Statue of Liberty, and other locations in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada.

As with any sunrise, you can quickly glance at it. But for extended viewing, or for even a quick glance when the sun is above the horizon, you will need eclipse glasses. If you still have your pair from the last eclipse, you can use them, as long as they are not physically damaged. But if you need another pair, you can get them from our sister site,

The image above was taken on June 10, 2021. Wikimedia Commons photo by Anthony Quintano from Mount Laurel, United States – Statue of Liberty Annular Solar Eclipse,
CC BY 2.0.

TV in 1950: The Bomb!

1950MarRadioRetailingSeventy-five years ago this month, the cover of the March 1950 issue of Radio Retailing cheerfully predicted that television sales would be the atomic bomb of the year! TV sales were set to outpace refrigerators, washers, and even automobiles.

1950: Millionth Clock Radio

1950Mar13LifeSeventy-five years ago, the millionth clock radio was getting ready to roll off the General Electric assembly lines, and GE planned to celebrate. They were conducting a contest to give the radio to a lucky winner, who would also travel to New York to meet Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians.

The set, a model 506, was billed as the world’s most useful radio.  It would lull you to sleep and then waken you to music or buzzer.  It could even control a light to waken the hard of hearing.  And in the kitchen, it could be used to control a coffee pot or other appliance.  And, of course, it could remind you of important appointments.

This ad appeared in Life Magazine, March 13, 1950.

1965 One IC Radio

1965MarEI1Sixty years ago this month, the March 1965 issue of Electronics Illustrated devoted much of the issue to a new kind of electronic component, the integrated circuit. In particular, it included some projects making use of the Motorola MC356G IC. The device, measuring only 5/16″ in diameter, packed in a full six transistors, along with five resistors. It could be had for only $3.55 plus postage.

The IC was designed for logic applications, so putting those transistors to use in a radio posed some challenges, since they were packed so close together physically. But with some trial and error, the magazine settled on the circuit shown below, which had good selectivity, sensitivity, and audio output.

The circuit used four of the six transistors. Components inside the IC are shown in black in the schematic, with added components in red.


1955 British Radio-Phono

Screenshot 2025-02-14 10.13.11 AMThe excitement is palpable in this image from the cover of the March 1955 issue of Practical Wireless. It looks like they’re simply listening to a record on their radiogram (what we would call a radio-phono on this side of the Pond). But one of them actually built the set according to plans in the magazine.

The set was said to be a selective and sensitive station getter, and had a tolerably high standard of reproduction for both the wireless and the gramophone. The March issue started the construction plans for the eight-tube set, to be continued in the April issue.

Radio in Seward, Alaska, 1925

Screenshot 2025-03-07 11.38.13 AMThis ad for dealer Cal M. Brosius appeared a hundred years ago today in the March 9, 1925, issue of the Seward (AK) Daily Gateway. There were no broadcast stations in Alaska, so a crystal set probably wouldn’t do you much good. But if you had a superheterodyne, there would be a lot to listen to at night. This dealer included a list of stations that had been received in Seward on the Radiola Super VIII or Super Heterodyne.  They included stations on the east coast, as well as stations in western Canada and the U.S. west coast.

But it wouldn’t be cheap.  The Super Heterodyne would set you back $285, and the Super VIII would be $425.  When adjusted for inflation, that works out to $5233 and $7804.

Scouts Build Radio, 1925

1925MarBLOne hundred years ago this month, the March 1925 issue of Boys’ Life showed Eagle Scouts Andrew S. Bostwick and H.I. Swanson, both of Troop 711, Brooklyn, at the controls of the radio they had built.  The magazine reported that they picked up 150 stations during the course of one evening.

Perhaps the duo inspired some scouts to build the two-tube receiver described in the same issue of the magazine:


1965 Light Beam Communicator

Screenshot 2025-02-13 11.35.20 AMThe young man in this drawing is now a senior citizen, but in 1965, he was taking part in the school science fair, using a project shown in the Winter 1965 issue of Elementary Electronics. He was communicating with a light beam, with a rudimentary setup consisting of two audio amplifiers. The output of one of them was hooked directly to a light bulb (in series with a 3 volt battery), and the input of the other one was hooked to a photocell.

According to the article, this unit was good for demonstration purposes only, and was only capable of a couple of feet. I’m surprised that they are so conservative in their estimate, since I made virtually the same setup when I was a kid, and it traversed the length of the house without much difficulty.

The only difference in my version was the addition of a transformer to the output of the first amplifier. The primary was hooked to the amp, and the secondary was wired in series with the battery. I used a flashlight, and just sandwiched two pieces of foil, insulated by cardboard, between the lamp and the battery terminal. I suspect my use of a flashlight, complete with its parabolic reflector, was probably an important factor in my success.

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