Monthly Archives: August 2024

Wiring the House Up for Radio, 1924


The kids seem to have their doubts, and Dad is showing some signs of frustration, but he was wiring his house for radio, following the plans in the August 1924 issue of Popular Science. Perhaps his frustration came from not heeding one of the warnings in the article about the proper hookup of remote speakers:

“Ordinary electrical appliance outlets are excellent and reasonable in price. The loudspeaker must be supplied with a corresponding plug and all outlets have to be identical. But here care must be used that all radio outlets are marked with some unmistakable sign, lest a loud-speaker be plugged into an electrical socket by mistake, with disastrous results.”

Radio Swimming Lessons, 1924

RadioWorldAug161924Radio has been used over the years to provide instruction in many different disciplines. But for some reason, this one never caught on. A hundred years ago today, the August 16, 1924, issue of Radio World carried this photo showing radio being used to give swimming lessons.

The photo shows one Mary Gustin, and the swimming instructor is one E.C. Dalton, who is behind the microphone of New York station WEAF.  She is about to plunge into the water, where she will listen in to her instructions.

World’s Largest Radio, 1939

081539BCEighty-five years ago, the world’s largest radio represented KSL, Salt Lake City, in the city’s parade honoring the entrance of the Mormon Pioneers in 1847. Equipped with a powerful public address system, the float furnished music along the 3 mile parade route. The float measured 22 by 9 by 8 feet, and was featured in the August 15, 1939, issue of Broadcasting magazine.

Starting a Home TV Repair Business, 1974

1974AugPEFifty years ago, the August 1974 issue of Popular Electronics offered some pointers for hobbyists thinking of going into business for themselves repairing televisions. It reminded that in some jurisdictions, a license was required, and that high voltages were present, so you had to be careful. But for those who wanted to ease their way in, the initial investment might be as little as fifty dollars for a set of tools, and the most common tubes. As you eased your way in to the business, you could upgrade, and the magazine gave recommendations for the parts, equipment, and chemicals you should keep on hand.

The magazine also reminded that in some cases, the experience and test equipment required might be out of your league. Therefore, if possible, it was wise to make a deal with a full-time service shop to tackle the jobs you couldn’t handle.

1964 Negative-Resistance Oscillator

1964AugPEIf you have a 600 volts power supply lying around (perhaps from an old television), you can loan it to Junior, who will love making this science fair project. It uses lethal voltages, it lights up, and it makes noise! He or she will love it, and it’s bound to take home the blue ribbon.

The project appeared 60 years ago this month in the August 1964 issue of Popular Electronics. It is simplicity itself–you simply apply a high voltage to the fluorescent tube, and it lights up. But past a certain voltage, the current decreases with an increase in voltage, meaning that the resistance is negative. This phenomenon can be used to put the device into oscillation, and sound comes out of the headphones. The device can be used as a code practice oscillator, or simply to wow the judges at the science fair.


Radio Scouting, 1949

1949AugRadioNewsShown here, in the August 1949 issue of Radio News, is Charles Schram, W9UBT, instructing the Scouts of Troop 510 of Chicago on the finer points of Ham Radio. The troop’s scoutmaster decided that ham radio would be a worthwhile activity for the Scouts, and started seeking an instructor to get them started. He called all of the clubs in the area and wasn’t able to find any volunteers. So he started calling individual hams and initially struck out. But eventually, he called Schram, who enthusiastically accepted the assignment.

Schram was an active ham and former scout. He was first licensed in 1941, and served in the Army starting in 1943, where he was wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. Forty-five scouts, as well as nine fathers, signed on for the classes. Of the scouts, 32 were twelve years of age.

Schram died in 2017 at the age of 93.

Birth of Herbert Hoover

HerbertHooverAbout1920Happy Heavenly Birthday, President Herbert Hoover!

HooverRadioToday is the 150th birthday of President Herbert Clark Hoover, who was born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa.  The Presidential Library and Museum and the National Park Service are both hosting special events throughout the year to commemorate the occasion.

The late president has a special place in our hearts due to his efforts, especially as Secretary of Commerce, to promote and regulate the new medium of radio.

Click here to view our earlier posts about this remarkable figure.  Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

1939 British Crystal Set

1939AugPracMechEighty-five years ago this month, the August 1939 issue of the British publication Practical Mechanics showed how to build this crystal set, which it dubbed a “stand-by arrangement for emergencies.”

The magazine noted that popularity of crystal receivers was on the upward swing. One possibility was that this was due to the splendid quality of reproduction. But it noted that it probably had something to do with the fact that they were not dependent on batteries or the mains supplies. They were ideal for “A.R.P. shelters.” The article didn’t say what “A.R.P.” stood for, but it apparently meant “air raid protection.”

With more and more high powered stations on the air, it was important that a crystal set be selective, and this one was designed with that parameter in mind.

Of course, the following month, Britain was at war, so building one of these for the ARP shelter was probably a prudent idea.


1954 CONELRAD Alarm

1954AugPMSeventy years ago this month, the August 1954 issue of Popular Mechanics showed how to put together this CONELRAD monitor for the ham.  This one was more extravagant than most.  It was hooked into the AVC circuit of a broadcast radio, and would trigger when the station being monitored left the air.  In addition to setting an alarm, the author had it wired to automatically shut down the transmitter and switch to receive.



1949 TV Rentals

1949AugRadioRetailingSeventy-five years ago, Cordes Electric Co., at the corner of Union and Natural Bridge, St. Louis, MO, discovered a great way to sell televisions–to rent them out. If a customer was on the fence, the store learned that the best way to close the sale was to enlist other family members to convince the customer of the need. To do that, they had to get the set into the house, and they did that by renting 10 inch sets for $10.50 per week. The rental fee could be applied to the purchase of a new set, although this was for a limited time, to encourage a quick decision. In most cases, the customers kept the set, or traded it for a larger model.

In rare cases, the customer decided that television wasn’t for them, and had it taken back. But even in those cases, the customer called back later to have it returned. Once again, it was the family members who clamored for its return.

The picture an accompanying article appeared in the August 1949 issue of Radio Retailing.