Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from OneTubeRadio.com!

We’ve had a tough couple of years, but it wasn’t “Siege of Leningrad” tough. The picture shown above was taken 80 years ago today at the Leningrad Children’s Hospital, where the children were celebrating the new year 1942.  Despite their predicament of being surrounded by the German army, these young comrades seem stoic and determined to endure.

While these children were all born before the start of the siege, the fierce battle surprisingly marked the beginning of a baby boom within the city. In 1943, the number of marriages in the city were up 13%, leading to a 1944 birth rate that was 23.6% higher than the pre-war level. From the start of the siege, special efforts were made to ensure nutrition for infants, and surprisingly, infant mortality actually declined in 1942.

You can read more about this aspect of the siege of Leningrad at the Russian Wikipedia.  Google should provide a good translation of the fascinating article.

Your 2022 Calendar

As you prepare for the new year, you’re undoubtedly in need of a good 2022 calendar. But there’s no need to run out and buy a new one, as you can re-use this 101 year old calendar from 1921. This one was provided courtesy of the Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal.

William F. “Billy” White III, K5CBZ

I am not old enough to have to have worried about contracting polio, but I am old enough to have known people who suffered from the effects of polio. Amateur radio has always served as a window on the world for those with many types of disabilities, and I had the pleasure of meeting many hams who were handicapped as the result of polio.

Thanks mostly to the vaccines of the 1950s, North America saw its last case of polio in the 1970s, and children and their parents no longer had to worry about contracting it. But there were still many survivors of the disease when I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, and largely because I was a ham, I had the pleasure of meeting many of them.

One example was profiled in the December 1961 issue of QST, thirteen-year-old William F. “Billy” White III, K5CBZ, of Corpus Christi, Texas. White had been confined to an iron lung for eight years, and it was from that location where he spent all of his time, doing his school work, reading, and watching television. But recently, he had added to his repertoire the magic of amateur radio.

His first novice station was installed by a group of local hams, but could be operated only when he was out of the respirator, meaning that the time on the air was extremely limited. When he passed the Conditional test, a permanent solution had to be found. And thanks to the local hams, it was. It was decided that a Collins KWM-2 transceiver would be a good choice since it was relatively lightweight at 18 pounds and completely self contained. It was possible to mount the transceiver directly on the iron lung using fittings that were normally used for items such as mirrors and book holders. The set was mounted vertically, and could be removed and reinstalled in a matter of seconds.

Billy was able to operate the controls using a spatula held in his mouth. The only exceptions were the band switch and transmitter tuning. But when those were set, he could operate the set by himself.

During Hurricane Carla, Billy handled a considerable amount of emergency traffic from his station. When power at his house failed, the local hams delivered a generator, which powered both the radio and the iron lung.

Billy died in 1967 at the age of 19. But for the last six years of his life, as the article notes, “daily he traveled the airwaves, visiting friends, meeting new people, and filling his time through the magic of amateur radio.”

For people with disabilities who are interested in learning more about amateur radio and other assistive technology, we recommend you contact the Courage Kenny HandiHam Program, which has carried out that mission since 1967.

KIRO Seattle; Milton Shaw, 1917-1944

1941Dec29BCEighty years ago today, the December 29, 1941, issue of Broadcasting showed Private Milton Shaw of Cleveland, Georgia, standing guard over the 50,000 watt transmitter of KIRO, Seattle, sited on Vashon Island. The soldier was one from the 41st Division. The magazine claimed that the station was “located in the center of a large colony of Japanese nationalists.” The magazine noted that the station was the only 50,000 watt station north of San Francisco and Salt Lake City.

free-vector-poppy-remembrance-day-clip-art_106032_Poppy_Remembrance_Day_clip_art_smallAccording to this source, Shaw was killed in Action in New Guinea on June 17, 1944, and his remains are buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Oakwood, Georgia.

Plain Facts About Fallout Shelters: 1961

1961DecPS1Yesterday, we featured some fallout shelter designs from the December 1961 issue of Popular Mechanics. The public relations department at the Office of Civil Defense must have been working overtime, because that month’s issue of Popular Science also carried a feature entitled “Plain Facts About Fallout Shelters.” The Popular Science article was written mostly in Question and Answer format. It started by noting that those who build fallout shelters in the past kept it secret for fear they would be considered crazy. But according to the magazine, “safety precautions against the ravages of atomic war no longer reveal old-maidish nervousness but admirable prudence.”

Unfortunately, the magazine lamented that many buyers, as well as builders, of shelters didn’t know what they were doing. So the article is devoted to dispelling some misconceptions and providing good information.

The chart above illustrates that radiation is not necessarily fatal, but the dose is the key factor. The stress on fallout shelters was because much of the country would be free from the immediate effects of the blast, but would be subject to deadly fallout. The general idea was that if you were in the “probably die” category, you would want to move yourself up to “sick,” or even better yet, to “safe.” And a fallout shelter would do that for millions of Americans.

After explaining the basics, the magazine urged readers to write to the Office of Civil Defense for further information. It also made the reminder to check local building codes before starting work.

1961 Fallout Shelter Designs

1961DecPM1Sixty years ago this month, the Cuban Missile Crisis was still almost a year off, but protection from nuclear weapons was already on the minds of many Americans, and the December 1961 issue of Popular Mechanics carried construction details for four fallout shelters. The deluxe model shown above, with an estimated cost of $1841 (about $17,000 in 2021 dollars) was typical of that offered by commercial builders. It was an underground room that could be used in peacetime for some other use, with an attractive patio on top, complete with a built-in grill.

1961DecPM2The other end of the cost spectrum was represented by the design shown at left courtesy of Prof. R.M. Stephenson of the University of Connecticut’s nuclear engineering program. He estimated that the design would reduce radiation levels by a factor of 200-1000, meaning that it would save lives even in areas of high fallout. The material consisted of 100 sandbags, 10,000 pounds of dry sand, and some miscellaneous lumber, with a cost of only $30 ($279 in 2021 dollars).

1961DecPM3The next least expensive was the design shown at right, with an estimated cost of $97 (about $900 in 2021). The initial construction of this design was done prior to the emergency, requiring about 33 hours of labor. A wooden frame was mounted to the wall with a hinge for the ceiling, with the concrete blocks stored nearby. In time of emergency, the construction could be completed in about two hours, assuming you were in a hurry, which you probably would be. To save space in this shelter, food and water was to be stored outside, with the occupants brining in a one or two day supply.

The final design, shown below, could shelter four persons at a cost of $280 ($2600 in 2021 dollars). This design was made mostly of concrete block. Some lumber was used, and the designers recommended that any lumber in contact with existing basement floor or walls be coated with tar or white lead paste to prevent rot.

The magazine offered a booklet with more details about the designs, and also directed readers to the Office of Civil Defense for more free information.1961DecPM4

Party Game Idea

1961DecRadioConstrSixty years ago this month, the December 1961 issue of the British publication Radio Constructor gave some ideas for devices to liven up a Christmas party or, for that matter, any party. According to the author, the self-explanatory design here was an “oldie,” but was largely forgotten. To play the game, one needed to move the ring from one side to the other without touching the metal rod.  According to the magazine, this feat required a remarkably steady hand, and was no doubt good for many hours of fun as the guests made an attempt.

The magazine noted that if the party was one for charity, then the guests could be charged a fee to play, earning a refund if they were able to successfully move the ring from one side to the other without sounding the bell.

Perhaps if Junior is looking for a science fair project, this one could be used as a basis for determining which of their classmates had the steadiest hand.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from OneTubeRadio.com!

We present the 17th Century French Christmas Carol Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle (Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabelle).

It’s sung in French at the video above, but here are the lyrics in English:

Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella!
Bring a torch, to the stable call
Christ is born, tell the folk of the village
Jesus is born and Mary’s calling.
Ah! Ah! Beautiful is the Mother!
Ah! Ah! Beautiful is her Child

Who is that, knocking on the door?
Who is it, knocking like that?
Open up, we’ve arranged on a platter
Lovely cakes that we have brought here
Knock! Knock! Open the door for us!
Knock! Knock! Let’s celebrate!

It is wrong when the Child is sleeping,
It is wrong to talk so loud.
Silence, now as you gather around,
Lest your noise should waken Jesus.
Hush! Hush! See how He slumbers;
Hush! Hush! See how fast He sleeps!

Softly now unto the stable,
Softly for a moment come!
Look and see how charming is Jesus,
Look at Him there, His cheeks are rosy!
Hush! Hush! See how the Child is sleeping;
Hush! Hush! See how He smiles in His dreams!

Santa Claus Beacon Activation

SantaRadioOnce again this year, to assist him with precision navigation, Santa Claus has asked OneTubeRadio.com to activate its non-directional beacon (NDB).  We will, of course, be complying with this request, and we have activated a beacon on 1610 kHz.  Santa will use the automatic direction finding equipment (ADF) installed in his sleigh to home in on the beacon.  (He is currently employing equipment more modern than shown above in a picture from the December 9, 1922, issue of Radio World.)  We expect that while aloft, Santa will be able to pull in the signal from the North Pole.

Even though COVID-related travel restrictions have eased, Santa Claus is still required to adhere to a flight plan, and this beacon will allow him to navigate very precisely.  To view his progress, we recommend visiting the official NORAD Santa Tracking website.  (We previously wrote about the history of this project here.)

At ground level, the signal will have a range of about one mile.  If you are located close to the OneTubeRadio.com world headquarters, you can tune in to this special broadcast.  If you are further away, you can listen online:

We are transmitting with our  InfOspot Talking House transmitter, which I previously reviewed at this link.  It is an FCC-certified transmitter for the AM band and operates with 100 milliwatts to a 3-meter antenna.   It has fairly solid coverage for about two blocks, and in a few spots, can be heard over a mile away.  During COVID-19, I have used this transmitter for drive-in educational programs for my continuing legal education business.  It is also suitable for other socially distanced activities, such as church services and meetings of community organizations.  It could potentially be an important community resource in emergencies.  And tonight, it is assisting Santa Claus in performing his duties.

Reception reports are welcome.  You can contact us at como-radio@usa.net.

Sleep Learning: 1921

1921DecSciInvA hundred years ago this month, the cover of the December 1921 issue of Science and Invention magazine covered a topic that seemed reasonable to me as a youth. Rather than spend waking hours with the burdensome task of learning, it would be easier to just play the material while sleeping, and let the subconscious mind soak it in. This gentleman is doing exactly that, and the whole system is explained in an article by Hugo Gernsback, who also included the technology in his novel Ralph 123C 41+, first published in serial form in 1911.

It never worked for me as a kid, mostly because I never figured out how to keep something playing all night. The record player could keep playing the same record over and over, but I didn’t have any records containing material I needed to learn. I had a tape recorder, but I never figured out how to make an endless loop long enough to contain useful information. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the machine shown here available.

According to Wikipedia, it doesn’t work anyway. But if you want to give it a try, you can find the materials at Amazon.

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