TV Relay Tower, 1952

1952FebRadioElecI remember as a kid seeing a structure similar to this one. I don’t remember exactly where, but it was somewhere along the route between Minneapolis and Duluth, with one horn facing south, and the other facing north. I asked my parents what it was, and they said it was for relaying TV signals. It made perfect sense to me, since the two horns looked a lot like TV screens.

I didn’t know what was inside, but now I do. The electronics were on the top floor, the B+ power supply was on the third floor, the filament power supply was on the second floor, and a backup generator was on the ground floor.

This diagram appeared 70 years ago this month in the February 1952 issue of Radio-Electronics.  Click on the image to see the full size version.

1962 Phone Answering Machine

1962FebPSTelephone answering machines didn’t really become a thing until the 1970s, and even then, they were expensive and rare. At first, even their legality was dubious, since The Phone Company was jealous of anyone making any kind of direct electrical connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network.  I didn’t have an answering machine myself until well into the 1980s. Surprisingly, there was a time when the phone just kept ringing when nobody was home, and there was no way to leave a message. Similarly, if your phone rang, the only way to find out who was calling was to pick up the phone and talk to them.

For those who were unwilling to wait for the future, the February 1962 issue of Popular Science showed you how to put together your own answering machine. And since there was no direct connection to the phone line, you didn’t have to worry about provoking the ire of The Phone Company. When the phone rang, an inductive coil placed under the phone would sense it, and it would trigger a solenoid which would physically lift the button on the phone. It would also turn on the tape recorder, which had been left in the “play” position. The tape recorder would then play your outgoing message through the speaker, which was close to the telephone handset. At the end of the outgoing message on the tape, you had painted silver paint on the back of the tape. When this passed through an outboard sensor you had added to the recorder, it would trip a second solenoid, which would flip the switch on the tape recorder from “play” to “record”. The microphone was placed next to the receiver, and it would record for thirty seconds. At the end of this thirty-second piece of tape, there was another section of silver paint, which would reset the whole contraption for the next call.

You would need to prepare the tape in advance for as many calls as you expected to get, including multiple outgoing messages and silver paint sections.

For the outgoing message, you were instructed to tell the caller to leave their 30 second message when they heard the “click.” Presumably, the sound of the tape recorder switching over from playback to record would be sufficiently loud to serve as the cue.

To hear your messages, you would first glance at the tape to see if it had been used. If so, you would need to first remove the tape from the external switch, since running the tape through it unnecessarily would quickly remove the silver paint. You would then plug the tape recorder directly into the wall, rewind, and listen to the tape, which would include both your outgoing messages and the incoming messages.

As you can see from the schematic below, the control circuit used tubes, to switch the relays and solenoids. Since one of the relays was used to turn the tape recorder on and off, the tape recorder itself would need to be a solid state model, since there would not be time for the tubes to warm up.

After it was built, the device had to be adjusted. In particular, there was a sensitivity control for the circuit triggered by the ringer. In order to adjust it, the phone had to be ringing. And, of course, the only way to do that was to call someone else and ask them to call you.



1957 SWL’ing

1957FebPESixty-five years ago, people still dressed up to listen to the radio, as shown by this avid SWL shown on the cover of Popular Electronics for February 1957.

The magazine issue featured the shortwave hobby, and contained a number of pointers for pulling in foreign stations. The listener shown on the cover was well equipped, since she is shown with what appears to be a Hammarlund HQ-180, an excellent receiver even by today’s standards.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day from!
1922MissValentineShown here, from a century ago, is Miss Valentine, from a pamphlet published in 1922, Dennison’s Gala Book, containing numerous suggestions for your parties–nay galas. All of them make use of fine Dennison products, including Dennison crepe paper.

The booklet includes numerous paper costumes, such as this one of Miss Valentine. “The illustrations and instructions are so easy to follow and the cost of materials so trifling that you will have as much fun making a costume as you will wearing it.”  It notes with respect to this costume, “who would not enjoy her tea more if it were served by charming Miss Valentine?” Her costume consisted of a slip-over apron trimmed with red hearts. The bill of materials consisted of two folds of decorated crepe paper, two folds of white crepe paper, and one fold of red crepe paper.

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1962 Fallout Shelter Antenna

1962FebPMSixty years ago this month, the February 1962 issue of Popular Mechanics carried this hint for using an outdoor antenna in the fallout shelter. The magazine noted that the shielding required for fallout protection could also shield against vital radio broadcasts. Since most radios didn’t have an external antenna jack, the magazine showed how to add one. A small coil was placed over the loopstick antenna, and that coil was hooked to an outdoor antenna. For optimal reception, you would tune in a station close to 640 or 1240, the CONELRAD frequencies, and slide the coil along until the signal was strongest. At that point, you would add a little cement to fix the coil in place.

The antenna could be unplugged when in normal use, but quickly put to work in the shelter in time of emergency.

Lancaster County Seed Co, 1937

85 years ago, if you were an impecunious boy, girl, man, or woman, and wanted some luxury items in your life, then this advertisement would certainly appeal to you. You could earn any of the prizes shown on this page, with absolutely no cost other than a little old fashioned initiative. You could do this by getting into the seed business, and that was as simple as filling out the coupon and mailing it back to the Lancaster County Seed Company of Paradise, PA. Or if you were truly thrifty, you could copy the information on a penny postcard and get started that way.

No money had to change hands. The Lancaster County Seed Company trusted you, and as soon as they received the coupon, they would send you 24 beautifully colored packets of “Garden Spot” Seeds, which everybody planted, according to the ad, and they were guaranteed to grow. You would sell them for a dime each. Lots of people would buy five to ten packets. In fact, your own family, along with a few friends, would buy all of them.

After you sold the seeds, you would get a money order for the $2.40 proceeds, along with your prize selection. With the exception of the wrist watch, you could have any of the prizes shown on this page: The musically inclined could chose between the guitar, ukulele, or guitar. Sports enthusiasts could get the basketball or roller skates, or even the air rifle. The moving picture machine or spy glass would undoubtedly appeal to many boys. And the practically minded could chose between the bed spread, the curtains, the cooking set, or the clock. For those with their eyes on the wrist watch, they could pay an additional 99 cents, or just sell another 24 packets of seeds.

The ad emphasized that the company trusted you, and there was no need to send any money. Most of the entrepreneurs who signed up probably fulfilled their obligations, but this site shows a letter from the President of the company to those who didn’t promptly return the money. According to the letter, “we know you are perfectly honest and will want to pay whatever you owe.” It reminded the recipient to get a money order from the post office or RFD carrier and send it back right away. If the seeds hadn’t all been sold, then “you should make a final effort to do so.”

The letter assured the recipient that as soon as the money was in hand, the premium would be sent. For those who had given up hope, the letter asked them to send a money order for what they had sold along with the remaining seeds in good condition, and the company would follow through with a premium for the amount of work which you had done.

The ad appeared 85 years ago this month in the February 1937 issue of Radio Mirror.

1952 One-Tube ARRL Handbook Receiver

1952HB1Seventy years ago, the 1952 edition of the ARRL Handbook carried the plans for this handsome one-tube regenerative receiver. The set used a single 6SN7 dual triode, half of which served as detector, with the other half serving as audio amplifier. According to the book, the set was close to the minimum for a useful shortwave receiver, but under suitable conditions, it would pull in signals from many foreign countries. It was described as being excellent for the beginner, due to ease of construction and low cost.

With four plug-in coils, the receiver would tune 2.8 through 40 MHz, covering six ham bands, including the 11 meter band. Interestingly, the then-new 21 MHz band was called the “14 meter” band at the time. At some point soon thereafter, the name 15 meters was adopted, probably to avoid confusion with the 14 MHz band.

An accompanying power supply was also shown, built on a wooden-slat chassis.



For the time being, anyway, this website is apparently not blocked in China. We decided to take advantage of that fact and post the entire text of the Bible in Chinese. This text is in the public domain, and you can find the original at this link. To download the Bible, click this link, which is a ZIP folder. Find the file “index.html” and start from there. The following is an automated translation of this paragraph:
就目前而言,无论如何,这个网站在中国显然没有被屏蔽。我们决定利用这一事实,用中文发布整本圣经。此文本属于公共领域,您可以在上面的第一个链接中的英文描述中找到原文。要下载圣经,请单击上面的第二个链接,这是一个 ZIP 文件夹。找到文件“index.html”并从那里开始。

World Does Not End on Feb. 3, 1962

1962Feb9LifeSixty years ago today, the February 9, 1962, issue of Life Magazine reported that the world had not come to an end six days earlier, on February 3.  As discussed in the magazine and in this article, millions of people were apparently disappointed on February 4 when the Earth was still around.

The biggest frenzy apparently took place in India, where millions reportedly gathered in Bombay in anticipation of the disaster.  An alignment of planets was said to be the cause of the non-event.


1942: Modifying Enemy Alien Shortwave Sets

1942FebRadioServDealerAs we previously reported, as of January 5, 1942, enemy aliens (that is, citizens of Japan, Germany, or Italy) were prohibited from possessing cameras, firearms, or shortwave radios. They were required to surrender them at the police station, where they would be issued a receipt.

The February 1942 issue of Radio Service Dealer reminded its readers that the majority of such aliens were friendly to the country and should be accorded fair treatment. It was essential to keep in mind, however, that not all of them were. The magazine also pointed out that there was no intent to deprive enemy aliens of the opportunity of listening to American broadcast stations. Therefore, the regulations permitted persons to reclaim their receivers if it was made inoperative on the shortwave bands. Hence, there was a demand for technicians to perform the necessary task of disabling shortwave reception on multi-band sets.

The magazine stressed the need of doing so in a manner that could not be easily converted back. Therefore, simple modifications such as cutting a lead to a band switch, or shorting out oscillator coils, was insufficient. The magazine provided the technical details for various kinds of sets. Some sets, for example, used a single oscillator coil for both broadcast and shortwave, with the coil tapped for shortwave reception. These sets might require replacement of the oscillator coil. Other sets used separate coils for the different bands, and these were generally an easier job of simply removing the shortwave coils.

After the job was done, there was still a need for caution:

Remember that there is always the possibility that some enemy alien in your locality may try to pull a fast one. Dealers, jobbers and servicemen, and radio amateurs, too, should be suspicious of any person who may be presumed to be an enemy alien, when attempts to purchase radio parts, borrow test equipment, or seek your service in any alignment work outside of  the broadcast band.

On the other hand don’t let your imagination get the better of you. Be reasonably sure of your suspicions before reporting any case to the local police or the FBI.

The magazine contained the full text of the regulations:

Short-Wave Radio Receiving Sets

(a) No alien enemy shall use, or operate or possess, or have under his custody or control at any time or place any short-wave radio receiving set. For this purpose the words ‘short-wave radio receiving set’ are to be construed as including any apparatus designed to be used or capable of being used for the purpose of receiving signals, messages or communications of any nature whatsoever which signals, messages or communications are transmitted by means of radio waves of a frequency of 1750 kilocycles or greater, or of a frequency of 540 kilocycles or less.

(b) A short-wave radio receiving set as defined in paragraph (a) hereof which set is also capable of receiving long-wave radio communications is deemed to be within the class of shortwave radio receiving sets prohibited unless the set is so altered or modified that short-wave radio communications or messages cannot be received by the said set, and further, unless the set is so altered or modified that it is impossible without the addition of more parts and the substantial rebuilding of the set to modify the set so that it will be capable of receiving short-wave radio communications.

( c) No alien enemy who is found in possession of any short-wave radio receiving set will be excused in any manner on the ground that he did not know that the set was a short-wave radio receiving set or that the set could be readily converted into a short-wave radio receiving set. It shall be the duty of any alien enemy to ascertain whether or not any radio in his possession is prohibited; and any alien enemy having in his possession any radio receiving set whatsoever shall be held responsible for knowing whether or not such set is a short-wave radio receiving set.

1942FebRadioServDealer2The magazine apparently needed an appropriate photo for the cover to illustrate this important story, and it settled on this image of an SWL, apparently pulling in an English station. The caption noted that this activity was one now reserved to citizens only.

It’s not uncommon for radio collectors to come upon a prewar set whose shortwave bands have been disabled. For those with such a set, we hope this article provides some insight into the modification that had been made in early 1942.