Hams Work Antipodes, 1924

1924DecQSTIt’s not uncommon for hams to be asked questions along the lines of, “how far can you talk with that?” For the last century, the answer to that question has been, more or less any spot on Earth.

Shown here is the December 1924 issue of QST announcing that hams had made contact between the antipodes–two points directly opposite each other on Earth. In this case, it was between Britain and New Zealand.  The magazine noted that the record might be stretched by a few hundred miles, since the two points were not directly opposite.  In fact, it wondered whether some well-equipped ham might not operate from a ship in the Indian Ocean, and work North America from the most distant point possible.

The contacts discussed here took place on 150 meters, or about 2 MHz.  As hams would soon learn, if they kept increasing the frequency, the contacts would get easier and easier.  At 14 MHz and above, even a modest station can boast the same results routinely.  In fact, there’s a slight advantage working another station at the antipode.  Since it doesn’t matter which direction you go to get there, you can take advantage of propagation in all directions.

1944 Radio Listings

1944Dec28Pgh1Here’s what was on the radio 80 years ago today, according to the radio listings in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Thursday, December 28, 1944.

On Mutual, you could listen to The Shadow at 7:30 PM, or Sammy Kaye at 8:30. At 10:00 PM, NBC offered Abbott & Costello at 10:00 PM, followed by Rudy Vallee. The CBS lineup included The March of Time at 10:30 PM.

For another snapshot of life on the home front in 1944, see our earlier post about grocery prices that year.

1924 Two Tube Loudspeaker Set

1924DecPSOne hundred years ago, the December 1924 issue of Popular Science showed how to build this two-tube loudspeaker set. The set took advantage of reflexing, since the first tube served as both RF and AF amplifier, with the second one serving as regenerative detector.


Merry Christmas!

1924DecRadioHomeMerry Christmas from OneTubeRadio.com!

One hundred years ago, it was a radio Christmas. This gentleman was on the way home with the latest and best in Christmas presents, a radio! The picture appeared on the cover of the December 1924 issue of Radio in the Home magazine.

1964 Analog Computer

SScreenshot 2024-12-11 11.48.23 AMixty years ago, if you wanted to be the first on your block to own an electronic computer, then you couldn’t go wrong making this electronic slide rule from the December 1964 issue of Popular Mechanics. With it, you could multiply or divide. Just like with your conventional slide rule, you would be on your own when it came to placing the decimal point in the right spot.

Screenshot 2024-12-11 11.50.28 AM

1954 Emergency Communications Truck

1949DecPESeventy years ago this month, the December 1954 issue of Popular Electronics showed this mobile radio station of the Inter County Amateur Radio Club in Detroit, W8IGS. Shown in th epicture are a number of executives of the Dodge Division of Chrysler, which had donated the truck to the club.

The vehicle was equipped with stations for 2 and 10 meters, including 2 meter Radio Teletype. The club had also assembled 25 portable walkie-talkies for use in conjunction with the station.

Santa Claus Trapped in Power Lines, 1949

1949Dec19LifeSeventy-five years ago, Santa Claus decided to visit Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but apparently decided to leave his reindeer at the North Pole. Instead, he decided to parachute into the area, but hit these power lines. While awaiting rescue, he waved at waiting children. This picture appeared in Life Magazine, December 19, 1949, which reported that he should stick to old-fashioned reindeer.

1954 British Valve Tester

1954DecPracticalWirelessSeventy years ago, this British gentleman was putting the finishing touches on his valve tester or, as we would say on this side of the Pond, tube tester. The plans were found in the December 1954 issue of Practical Wireless. The circuit would perform the usual tests on tubes, and it also had the option of hooking it up to your oscilloscope to check the exact operating condition.

1957 Grocery Prices

19571217PghFor a snapshot of grocery prices in 1957, this ad for Thorofare Super Markets appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 17, 1957.  The prices look like bargains, but according to this online inflation calculator, a dollar in 1957 equates to $11.23 in 2024 money.  So the Swanson TV Dinner for 69 cents was actually equivalent to $7.75 today.

If you were shopping for dinner for the Class of 1957, what would you buy?  And since you now have that song stuck in your head anyway:


1954 “Little Shocker”

1954DecRadioConstr1954DecRadioConstr2Seventy years ago this month, the December 1954 issue of the British Radio Constructor noted that with “the festive season is drawing near, the reader may be interested in a simple little gadget which is guaranteed to liven up the party in more ways than one.” We’re sure that many of our readers might be similarly inclined.

This device is self-explanatory. It’s similar to a homemade Ford spark coil. An autotransformer steps up the voltage of a battery, and the coil also serves to operate a crude relay to convert the voltage to DC. The two handles are formed from the foil from a candy bar glued over wood. When it’s switched on, it make an inviting buzzing sound, and you ask your friends to grab the handles.

This might make an interesting science fair project, although we suggest that you determine first whether the science teacher has a sense of humor. If not, another project might be better suited.

Also, even though the resulting current is very low, since some of that current will pass directly through the heart of your subject, we wonder if it might be dangerous in some cases. Therefore, if you’re going to make this project, we wonder if it might be better to make sure that both electrodes go to the same side of the body.

We should note that as a youngster, we independently invented a similar device, making use of an old filament transformer and a buzzer. No harm was caused to anyone.