Category Archives: World War 2

Sinking of the H.M.S. Rajputana, 1941

1941SepPS3The H.M.S. Rajputana was built in 1925 as a civilian passenger and cargo liner. She was requisitioned into the Royal Navy in 1939, and had installed eight six-inch guns, giving the firepower of a light cruiser, but without the armored protection.

She was torpedoed and sunk off Iceland on April 13, 1941, after escorting a convoy. 42 men were lost, including her last civilian commander. 283 crew members were saved, however, including Stoker First Class Frank C. Davidson of Truvo, Nova Scotia, who recounted his tale in this Eveready ad in the September 1941 issue of Popular Science.

After the first torpedo struck, Davidson and two other crew members scrambled below to save a few belongings. Suddenly, the second torpedo ripped into the ship, trapping the men under tables, chairs, and lockers. Davidson recounted that “escape seemed impossible…. until I remembered my flashlight.”

Thanks to the flashlight, loaded with Eveready batteries, they managed to fight their way, dazed and confused, to the deck, just as the captain gave the order to abandon ship.

Eveready batteries and flashlights are, of course, still available many places, including Amazon. Full disclosure: If you make a purchase after clicking one of the following affiliate links, this website earns a small commission.

1942 Grocery Prices

1942Sep24WashStarFor a snapshot of wartime grocery prices, this ad appeared in the Washington Evening Star, September 24, 1942.  (Click on the image to view a larger version.)  Rationing had not yet started in earnest. At the time this ad appeared, sugar was the only food item being rationed, having started in May 1942. Two months after this ad, November 1942, coffee (25 or 33 cents a pound) would be rationed. The following March, meats, fats, canned fish, cheese, and canned milk would be added to the list.

The prices look cheap to us, but because of the war, they were beginning to spike. According to this inflation calculator, one dollar in 1942 was the equivalent of $16.75 in 2021 dollars. So the 33 cents a pound coffee was the equivalent of $5.53 per pound in 2021. A quart of bleach for a quarter sounds cheap, but that’s $1 a gallon, about the same price you can buy it for today. But in 2021 dollars, that gallon of bleach would be the equivalent of $16.75. The 39 cent a pound chickens work out to $6.53 a pound. Even the loaf of bread for 15 cents sounds cheap, but it’s the equivalent of $2.51.

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Emerson’s 1942 Lineup

1941SepRadioRetailingEighty years ago this month, the September 1941 issue of Radio Retailing carried this ad for Emerson’s lineup for the coming model year.  It turns out these would be the last models made until 1946, as civilian radio and phonograph production ended for the duration on April 22, 1942.

Civilian Technical Corps, 1941



Civilian Technical Corps member training, 1941. Wikipedia photo.


The August 1941 issue of Radio Service Dealer carried this article describing something I had never knew existed, the Civilian Technical Corps, an Anglo-American quasi-military organization. It was essentially a branch of the British military manned by American civilians, primarily working in radio. Members wore a uniform identical to the Royal Air Force.

The magazine described the Corps as being comprised of skilled craftsmen who performed non-military duties in Britain. American technicians were being recruited to maintain and repair radio equipment. By placing Americans in these slots, Englishmen were freed up for combat duty.

“There are a number of men, who, although perfectly loyal American citizens and willing to die in the defense of their country, would prefer to retain their civilian status. Enlistment with the Civilian Technical Corps qualifies a man for deferment from the draft, and does so with the full consent and approval of President Roosevelt. All local draft boards have been authorized to put CTC volunteers in Class II-B, for it is felt that this civilian occupation is of notable importance to our own National Defense. Enlistment in the CTC thus enables a man to satisfy his patriotic urge even though his is not serving in the armed forces.”

Pay ranged from $24.12 to $38.65 per week, but the magazine noted that this was actually quite generous, since food, clothing, and shelter were all provided. It was thus the equivalent of a salary of $50 to $75 per week, and also offered free passage to England.

Interested men were directed to apply to the British Consulate General in New York.  From this site, it appears that 21 members of the Civilian Technical Corps died in the line of duty, 19 of whom were lost in the Atlantic on October 15, 1941.  Perhaps some of those men were going off to England in response to this article,  and were indeed perfectly loyal American citizens and willing to die in the defense of their country, albeit in a civilian status.

1946 Grocery Prices

1946Aug20Pgh21946Aug20PghHere’s a snapshot of what grocery prices looked like right after World War II, from two different ads in the August 20, 1946, issue of the Pittsburgh Press. While these prices look like a bargain, there has been a lot of inflation in the last 75 years. According to this inflation calculator, one dollar in 1946 was the equivalent of $14 today, so you need to multiply all of these prices by 14.

A dozen eggs for 63 cents sounds cheap, but that works out to $8.82 today.  A loaf of raisin bread for 20 cents isn’t so bad, but it is $2.80 today.  The best bet for dinner might be a pound of chop suey for 39 cents, but that’s still $5.46.

What would you make for dinner 75 years ago?  Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

1946 Portable Radio Batteries

1946AugRadioRetailerSeventy five years ago this month, the August 1946 issue of Radio Retailing carried this ad for Eveready batteries.  The wartime years were ones of shortages of many consumer products, and radio batteries were difficult or impossible to find.

Millions of portable radios had been manufactured since 1939, but a million of them were out of service, mostly because no batteries were available.  Summer was prime time for portables, and Eveready reminded dealers that if they put the batteries on display, they would sell themselves.

1941 Optical Communicator

1941AugPS1Eighty years ago, this well dressed gentleman was sending a message through this light beam transmitter, as described in the August 1941 issue of Popular Science.

The magazine was a bit prophetic, since there was more experimentation with the idea after Pearl Harbor. When hams were ordered off the air for the duration of the war, optical communications was one of the ways they continued to practice their hobby (along with carrier current communications.)

The idea is simplicity itself, and it’s an idea that I independently invented as a youngster 30 years later, and I know others did as well. The light beam of a flashlight is modulated with an audio signal by wiring the light in series with the secondary of a transformer. The primary of the transformer is wired with a buzzer and key to send Morse code. When I did the same thing, I hooked the transformer primary to the output of a transistor radio or other audio amplifier, allowing voice signals to be sent.

The receiver is an audio amplifier, with a photoelectric tube hooked to the input. In my later experiments, I used a solar cell hooked directly to the input of an amplifier, which didn’t seem to mind the small DC voltage.

The student looking for an interesting project for a science fair could easily duplicate this experiment with modern equipment, at very low cost.  It’s an easy demonstration of a communications device dependent only upon light.


1941 Soviet Crystal Set

1941AugRadioFrontIn August 1941, the Germans were busy invading the Soviet Union, but they would have realize the futility if they had known that the Soviets were quite undaunted, and were busy putting together crystal sets. As you can see from the August 1941 issue of Радиофронт (Radio Front) magazine, that is exactly what they were doing. The diagram shown above is clearly a crystal set, and most of the parts appear to be homemade. Despite what the Germans could throw at them, the Soviets were still able to pull in the stronger stations thanks to simple receivers such as this one.

As you can see from the diagrams below, the tuning was accomplished with a variometer, using two spiderweb-style coils hinged together. And as long as they could find a suitable mineral, the Soviets could easily put together the detector shown below.


1946 Two Meter Transceiver

1946JunePMSeventy-five years ago, this ham was just getting back on the air after a wartime hiatus, thanks to a two-tube two meter transmitter described in the June 1946 issue of Popular Mechanics. The magazine noted that for the ham licensed prior to Pearl Harbor, as well as the newly licensed, the simple set would provide an efficient way of getting on the air for local contacts while the big rig was still under construction.

The set used a 6N4 to serve as oscillator, with a 7C5 modulating. On receive, the 6N4 became a superregenerative detector, with the 7C5 serving as audio amplifier. Also shown above is a 300 volt power supply, although another supply, such as a vibrator supply in a car, could be used to power the rig. The recommended antenna was a folded diple constructed of 300 ohm twin lead.


1946 Portables

1946JuneRadioRetailingSeventy-five years ago, the summer of 1946 was the first summer after the war, and Americans were ready to enjoy some leisure. The June 1946 issue of Radio Retailing reminded its readers that this meant there would be a big demand for portables, and manufacturers were in the process of delivering the first new sets.  The season would last through fall, and dealers were advised to stock up.

There were currently 24 models on the market.  Some of these included a record player, with a maximum price of $149.50.  Of the 16 straight portables, the average price was $35.43, with the lowest being $17.50.

The magazine noted that only half of the new receivers were from old-name manufacturers.  The remainder came from postwar startups.