How to Fight Fire Bombs: 1942

1942Jan24RadioGuideEighty years ago today, according to the January 24, 1942, issue of Radio Guide, fire bombs were “ugly, dangerous weapons the enemy will eventually try to use right here in the U.S.A.” According to the magazine, hundreds of such bombs, each weighing only a couple of pounds, could carpet an area, causing particular damage if they hit the roof or attic of a building. Bing Crosby, therefore, took a few minutes out of the Kraft Music Hall program to allow Maj. John S. Winch to discuss how to deal with the threat.

The wrong thing to do was to hit them with water as soon as they landed, since the water would ignite the magnesium. It was necessary to wait about sixty seconds, and then if attacking it with a hose, to use a mist of water. The idea was to let the bomb burn out, and keep nearby material from catching fire. Buckets of sand stored at strategic locations were also indicated, according to the magazine.

This threat, of course, never materialized in the continental U.S.  For the closest thing to happen, be sure to read our four-part series on the Fu Go Fire Balloons.

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