Category Archives: Science fair ideas

Science Fair Idea: Eli the Ice Man

1945MarRadioCraftAIf you ask any serious student of electricity to name their favorite ice man, they’ll undoubtedly tell you that it is Eli. Eli the Ice man (a friend of Roy G. Biv) is a mnemonic to help you remember that in an inductive circuit (L), the voltage (E) leads the current (I). And in a capacitive circuit (C), the current (I) leads the voltage (E).

You can prove this concept with this simple experiment shown 75 years ago this month in the March 1945 issue of Radio Craft. In addition to the capacitor and inductor and a few miscellaneous parts, you’ll need a voltmeter and ammeter. During the war, those analog meter movements would have been hard to come by, but these days, you can get buy with two cheap multimeters. Stores sometimes give digital meters away for free, but this experiment will look a lot cooler with an analog meter.

You wire up the circuits and then observe the meter when the current is turned on. In the capacitive circuit, the ammeter will move before the voltmeter. In the inductive circuit, it will be the other way around.

1935 Light Beam Communicator

1935MarPM85 years ago this month, the March 1935 issue Popular Mechanics showed how to make this light communicator, said to have a range of about a half mile.

The receiver used a caesium photo cell, which the magazine said could be had for about $3. This was fed into a two-tube amplifier which could drive a speaker or headphone.

For audio amplification at the transmitter end, the system used the household radio receiver, and the magazine explained how to hook up the microphone. The the light beam generator used a system I’ve never seen before. Instead of electrically modulating the light bulb, a mechanical approach was used. The speaker was disconnected and the output was instead connected to a magnetic headphone that had been modified. The outer cap of the headphone was unscrewed and cut so that most of the metal diaphragm was visible. Then, the “diaphragm is slipped off and taken to any plating firm to be finished in the same manner as an audio headlight reflector.” The headphone was reassembled, and the result was a mirror that would vibrate in time with the sound. An auto headlamp was used to illuminate the mirror, and this was focused through a lens with a focal length of about 12 inches.

The result would have been a narrow beam of light that was modulated. At the receiving end, another lens was used to focus the beam on the photo cell.

For a unique science fair project, the advanced student could adapt this project using modern materials.  When I was a kid, I built a similar system using a flashlight as the transmitter.  The bulb was wired in series with the secondary of an audio transformer.  The primary was fed by the output of an amplifier.

For the receiver, I used a solar cell fed directly to the input of an audio amplifier.


Science Fair Idea: Homemade Seismograph

SeismometerFor the aspiring scientist who is interested in earthquakes, today we show you how to build your own seismometer. If you started by searching for “science fair seismograph,” you were possibly disappointed at the initial search results. You undoubtedly found sites showing how to make a toy seismosgraph out of materials such as cardboard boxes. I’m sure these were fine projects for less advanced students, but they weren’t real seismographs. Instead, they were models that showed how a seismograph worked. You build the toy instrument, and then jump up and down in close proximity, simulating an earthquake.

We are glad that you kept searching, because we will show you how to build a real seismometer or seismograph, one capable of detecting distant earthquakes.  If there are no earthquakes before the science fair, you can test the unit with nearby trucks and trains as they pass by.  The unit shown here, for example, picked up trains a mile away.  In addition, a very similar unit was used, in Texas, to detect underground nuclear tests in Nevada.  So it’s not a toy–it’s a real seismometer.

The overall concept is clear from the diagrams shown above.  A magnet is suspended from a wire or line attached to a sturdy beam of your building.  In the final version, this pendulum is placed inside a pipe, to prevent air currents from disturbing it.  The magnet is placed above a coil, and the slightest motion of the pendulum, caused perhaps by an underground nuclear test hundreds of miles away, induces a tiny electrical current in the coil.  This is amplified by two op amps, and registers with an LED and/or a piezo buzzer.

As shown in the diagram, the instrument is a seismometer, since it detects seismic activity.  To turn it into a seismograph, you will need to add some method of recording the readings continuously.  However, that is a very easy matter, thanks to a data acquisition module, similar to the one shown at left.  This is a very inexpensive device that hooks to the USB connection of your computer.  It has several inputs that you can hook to a circuit, and it continually feeds the measured voltage to the computer.  You can then use the computer to record the data numerically or in a graph.

All of the other parts are readily obtainable.  From Amazon, you can order the telephone pickup coil, the 741 op amp chips, and all of the other electronic components.  (For ideas on how to buy parts, see my crystal set parts page.)  All of the mechanical components should be available in any hardware store.

The diagram above is from a book by Forest Mims III, Engineer’s Mini-Notebook:  Science Projects, one of a series sold at Radio Shack.  This particular volume was published in 1990.  It’s available free online.  The same author has another version of the seismograph at this site.  You can also visit his website,

Incidentally, as you can see above, the book contains the phrase, “when he was in high school in Texas, Eric Ryan Mims used a similar arrangement to detect underground nuclear tests in Nevada.” There is a multimedia CD by this long title by Canadian musician Matt Rogalsky. Inspired by that phrase, Rogalsky processed the output into ambient sound. While it is out of print, used copies are available on Amazon.

Science Fair Idea: What Melts Faster–Clean or Dirty Snow?

1939DecPSIf Junior’s science fair project is due tomorrow, there’s plenty of time for him to take home the blue ribbon, as long as there is snow on the ground. The science teacher demands that the experiment answer a question, so Junior’s question will be: “Which melts faster–clean snow or dirty snow.”

It turns out that the dirty snow will melt faster. This is because the dark particles soak up heat, while the pure white snow reflects it. To prove it, Junior can set up the experiment shown above.

You will need a table lamp with an old-fashioned incandescent bulb. For this experiment, you do not want an “energy efficient” bulb. They are energy efficient because they generate less waste heat, but for this experiment, you want to generate heat. So the most inefficient bulb wins.

To accurately measure the rate of melting, the snow is placed on a piece of screen on top of a glass. There are two ways Junior can do the experiment. He can wait until all of the snow melts, and see which one melts first. Or, he can stop the experiment after a certain time and measure the water to see which one has more.

The teacher will be most impressed with Junior’s ingenuity. He or she will think that many weeks of planning went into it. Actually, 80 years of planning went into it, since the experiment appeared in the December 1939 issue of Popular Science.

The Möbius Resistor


Mobius resistor. Wikiepdia image.

Shown here in the November 1969 issue of Electronics Illustrated is Richard L. Davis of Sandia Laboratories, the inventor of the Möbius resistor, US Patent 3267406A.

Many youngsters will be familiar with the Möbius strip. It’s a three-dimensional object with one side and one edge. It is formed by taking a strip of, for example, paper, making a twist, and then taping the ends together. To prove that it has one side, the young scientist can draw a line down the middle. Eventually, the line will connect up, but only after covering “both” sides of the strip, in effect proving that there is only one side. The strip can also be cut along that line, which will form another strip, this one non-Möbius.

Davis used the Möbius strip to form a resistor. His strip of paper was coated with foil. When it was attached together. The outside of the strip formed a continuous conductor, and connections were made directly opposite. The result was that current was flowing on the outside of the strip, but in opposite directions. Therefore, the magnetic fields cancelled out, making the resulting device non-inductive. This proved useful at UHF, since the stray reactance of a resistor would otherwise be very significant at those high frequencies.

Students looking for an interesting science fair project could make either a Möbius strip or a Möbius resistor.  A student will almost certainly get a participation ribbon by making the strip and then unsuccessfully attempting to cut it in half.  But more advanced students, armed with an inexpensive RCL meter, can get the blue ribbon by showing that the inductance disappears by adding the twist to the strip.

Science Fair Project: AC Ammeter

1939OctPSLast month, we showed how Junior can win the science fair blue ribbon by making a hot-wire ammeter. That device, however, required a bit of precise construction, and the idea might not work if he hasn’t started yet and the project is due tomorrow.

Today, however, we have a project that can be put together in one evening, using parts that can be found around the house, or from the local hardware store. While not as precise, this meter also measures AC current. Today’s project is from 80 years ago, from the October 1939 issue of Popular Science.

The meter consists of nothing more than several turns of wire around a cardboard tube.  A piece of toilet paper tube will work well.  Like most old projects, the instructions call for bell wire, since this was readily available back in the day.  However, any type of insulated wire will work.  Because relatively high currents will be used, it should be a fairly thick gauge.  I would recommend buying a cheap extension cord, cutting off both ends, and then “unzipping” the two wires.

To make the project a bit safer, I would use another cheap extension cord cut in half.  The plug end  can be plugged in to an outlet strip and turned on when it’s time for the experiment.  This would allow you to cover all exposed wires with electrical tape.

After cutting this extension cord in half, splice one set of wires back together.  The remaining set of wires are connected to the coil.  The plug end goes to one terminal of the coil, and the socket end goes to the other side of the coil.  Into the socket, plug in an electric heater, which draws a large current.

Plug this in to the outlet strip and turn it on.  The heater should be running, and all of the current is passing through the coil.  Then, lower two iron or steel nails or screws on a string into the center of the coil.  Since they are magnetized with the same polarity, they will repel one another.  The higher the current, the further apart they are repelled.  You can demonstrate this by switching the heater from high to low.

It should be noted that today’s project involves household current, and care must be taken not to touch any exposed wires, since contact could prove fatal.

Science Fair Project: Hot Wire Ammeter

1969AugSepRadioTVExpThe young scientist looking for an award-winning science fair project can’t go wrong with this ammeter from the August-September 1969 issue of Radio-TV Experimenter.

The instrument can be constructed with materials from the hardware store, but will do accurate measurements of current, whether it is DC, AC, or even RF. It is a hot-wire ammeter, and was frequently used in the early days of radio for measuring RF current in order to calculate power. As the name implies, the current is measured by the expansion and contraction of a steel wire. As the current flows, the wire heats up. It is attached to a spring-loaded second wire, and that wire moves a pointer. A standard ammeter can be used to calibrate the device once constructed. In the photo here, the meter is shown measuring current from a dry cell battery (and a modern alkaline D cell will work just as well as the old-fashioned battery, especially when used with a battery holder). However, the instrument can also be used to measure AC current, and can be used as part of an experiment measuring current consumption of various kinds of light bulbs.

Science Fair Ideas: Earth’s Magnetic Field

1944AugPScompassSeventy-five years ago this month, the August 1944 issue of Popular Science showed a number of simple science experiments relating to the Earth’s magnetic field. For students looking for a simple science fair experiment, these will prove most adequate. The two shown on this page answer the question, “does the Earth have a magnetic field?” It turns out that yes, yes it does.

Magnetizing the needle.

Magnetizing the needle.

The first experiment produces the compass shown above that is, as the magazine puts it, as good as the best that was known for centuries. All you need is a sewing needle, a magnet, a cork, and a cup or glass (non-metallic) of water. You magnetize the needle by stroking it over the south pole of the magnet, starting at the eye and ending at the point.

If you get that mixed up, it doesn’t really matter, as one end will point north, although it might not be the pointy end. Either way, you’ve proven that the Earth has a magnetic field.

1944AugPSironrodThe other experiment, shown at left, uses the Earth’s magnetic field to magnetize an iron rod. You hold it so that it’s pointing north, and to maximize the magnetic field, you angle it down toward the ground. Tap the upper end with a hammer, and the atoms will align with the magnetic field. You can test this by bringing an end near a compass, either the one you made yourself, or one you bought.

You probably have most of the supplies you need for these experiments around the house, or they are available locally.  The links above are to Amazon.  The links are affiliate links, meaning that this site receives a small commission if you order after clicking on them.

Science Project: Conductivity of an Electrolyte

1939AugPSIf you’re looking for an interesting science fair project, this one from the August 1939 issue of Popular Science is interesting, looks like you put a lot of work into it, but is really quite simple. It answers the scientific question, “does the temperature of an electrolyte solution affect the conductivity?” It turns out, as this experiment will show, that the answer is yes. As the temperature increases, so does the conductivity.  (Or to put it another way, as the temperature goes up, the resistance goes down.)

The experiment, as shown above, is relatively simple.  You should be able to find all of the required supplies locally (if you don’t already have them at home).  If you want to order online, the links below are to Amazon.

The 1939 version of the experiment shows old fashioned dry cell batteries, but modern alkaline D cell batteries will work just fine.  You can figure out some other way to attach the wires to the batteries, but life is a lot easier if you use a battery holder.

Any flashlight bulb will work, as long as it’s from a flashlight that normally uses 2 batteries.  This one is suitable.  Again, you can figure out some other way to connect the wires, but having a socket will make things easier.  Finally, for the electric hookups, you will need some kind of wire, although almost any will work just fine.

The two electrodes going into the solution can be almost anything metallic.  I would recommend using some large nails.

You’ll need a beaker and some lab hardware to support it while heating, although if you should be able to borrow that from your science teacher.  If you’re doing the experiment in the school lab, you can use a bunsen burner.  If you’re doing it elsewhere, you’ll need a heat source such as an alcohol burner.

The experiment calls for either salt water or sulfuric acid.  You surely have salt at home.  If you prefer to go with sulfuric acid, you can order that online, or ask for it in the hardware store, where it’s available as a drain cleaner.

Science Fair Project: Viscosity

1939JunePSIf Junior’s science fair project is due tomorrow and he hasn’t even started, then this project is just what he needs to turn the emergency into an A+ project. You probably have everything you need around the house. If you can’t find a couple of odds and ends, you should be able to find them at the trusty dollar store.

The exact layout of the experiment is not critical.  You need two cans of similar shape and size, which you should be able to find in the recycling bin.  You’ll also need some wire or string–almost any type will do.  You’ll need something to hang them from.  In this example, the experimenter is using some kind of stand.  But a chair or table will work just fine–you just need the two cans to be able to hang freely.

Finally, you’ll need some water (H2O) and some sand.  If you can’t find any sand, any solid will work, such as dirt, sugar, salt, etc.  You just need something to add weight to the can.

The experiment demonstrates viscosity–the “thickness” of a fluid.  After setting up the two cans, you twist each of them an equal number of times, for example, 5 times, and then let go.  The can with sand will keep rotating a much longer time.  After unwinding 5 times, it will wind itself in the other direction almost 5 times before again reversing.  The process will continue for a long time.

The can with water will settle down much faster.  This is because the water’s low viscosity means that most of the water is not turning.  Only the light can is spinning, and it will lack the momentum to continue as long as the can full of sand.

If Junior wants to be ambitious, he can use other thick liquids.

The teacher will want the experiment to answer a question.  There are many possibilities.  For example, he can use the question, “how does viscosity affect the rotation of a spinning container.”  Or, he can pick two liquids and answer the question, “which has a higher viscosity–water or cooking oil.”  The one that spins the longest has the higher viscosity.

The project originally appeared 80 years ago this month in the June 1939 issue of Popular Science.