Monthly Archives: March 2025

1945 Television Theatre

1945MarRadioRetailingThis idea to promote television appeared in Radio Retailing 80 years ago this month, March 1945. Anticipating a television boom after the war, the magazine suggested that the idea might promote interest in television. Dealers who were equipped with sets could invite neighbors and customers who might be interested but had no set.

The address on this invitation is residential, and undoubtedly the home of O.H. Caldwell and Mildred B. Caldwell. The location is about 30 miles from the Empire State Building, so would pull in a good signal with a suitable antenna.

Caldwell, one of the original commissioners of the Federal Radio Commission, is described as an editor of the magazine.  His home was said to be a home of the future, with many modern electronic devices, including, apparently, the television.