1937 Philco Phone Intercom

1937AprRadioTodayEighty-five years ago this month, the April 1937 issue of Radio Today contained this Philco ad reminding dealers of the profits to be made selling intercom systems, specifically the Philco Phone.

A set of two stations sold for $49.50, and additional stations were available for $10 each. The ad noted that even small offices, such as one or two doctors or dentists and a receptionist, could benefit from the set. And businesses such as garages, restaurants, and theaters could put themto good use.

And it was an easy sale for the dealer, with no trade-ins, no expensive installation, or service worries.

And there was even an untouched market in the “better homes” in the community.

Last Prewar Radio

1942MayRadioRetToday marks the 80th anniversary of the end of civilian radio production in the U.S. for the duration of World War II, and shown here is the last radio to roll off the RCA assembly line before the company switched over exclusively to defense production.

RCA was actually ahead of schedule, and this radio-phono was manufactured in Camden, N.J., on April 7, 1942. The chassis had been completed on March 5.

This last set was donated to the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, where it would uplift the spirits and morale of the young patients there.

The picture appeared in the May 1942 issue of Radio Retailing.

Your Chance to Live: 1972

On my way to looking up something else, I was shocked to discover that this book, of over a hundred pages, existed. It was published 50 years ago by the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, as the federal Civil Defense agency was known at the time. I was the target audience of this book, I would have loved it, but I didn’t know it existed.

One day as a youth, I discovered in our basement a Civil Defense pamphlet (specificaly, “In Time Of Emergency,” and I found it absolutely fascinating. The second half of the book, entitled “Natural Disasters,” covered things I was more or less familiar with, namely, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, and earthquakes. But the first half of the book was something entirely new, namely, something called a Nuclear Attack.

YourChanceToLiveABGI was aware of the concept of war, and I was even aware that the bad guys might drop bombs during a war. But the bombs described in this book did more, namely, unleash radioactive fallout. And to survive a nuclear attack, you had to have a fallout shelter. For some reason, my parents were unwilling to construct a fallout shelter, but based upon the material in the book, I knew that we could eek by either with an improvised fallout shelter, or by going to the public fallout shelter across the street at the school I attended (although I had some doubts as to whether someone would come around to unlock the building if the nuclear attack took place other than during school hours).

In general, I became an advocate for everything I learned from the little book, and I though everyone should begin making some minimal preparations for, or at least having some awareness of the risk of, one of these nuclear attacks, as well as the other disasters described in the booklet.

Much to my surprise, most people seemed to dismiss my concerns, and some of them even seemed to actively avoid making even the most minimal of preparations. I couldn’t quite understand this attitude (in fact, I still don’t understand it). But I did do my best to promote civil defense. And since I was in school, the school provided me with my principal forum for my efforts.  Of course, my poor sainted sixth grade teacher took the brunt of this, since she got to listen to me talk about civil defense whenever I could possibly work it into the conversation.

I learned all I could about civil defense, including getting every last piece of literature available from the local civil defense office. I also went to the public library, where I found what were possibly the only two books on the subject, namely, the novel Alas Babylon by Pat Frank, and his non-fiction work, How To Survive the H-Bomb and Why.

Frankly, I thought having a fallout shelter would be pretty cool. But it seemed that I was the only kid thinking this, and I eventually figured out that I was the only person–child or adult–with any interest in civil defense and fallout shelters.

It wasn’t until many years later that I discovered that there were other kids like me. It turns out that Alas Babylon is still in print and became something of a cult classic, and copies of How to Survive the H-Bomb and Why now go for hundreds of dollars, if you can find them.

And unbeknownst to me, somewhere in the Pentagon, someone was trying to help me in my quest to educate American students about the importance of civil defense.  The book depicted above, “Your Chance to Live” was in production by the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, and it was intended as a textbook for students on the subject of civil defense.  Had I been aware of such a book at the time, I’m sure I would have pleaded with my teacher to get some copies, and if she balked, I probably would have appealed to the principal and then to the Board of Education.  In fact, I would have gladly taken over the teaching duties as my classmates learned the lessons from this book.

The book is now available on Google Books, along with the teacher’s edition, and the accompanying “Games that Teach: Classroom Activities on Individual and Community Disaster.”  While the exact grade level of the book isn’t entirely clear, the latter two books make clear that it is suitable for all grades, from 1 through 12.

YourChanceToLiveAlertoThe activities are particularly interesting.  One of them, shown at left, is an ALERT-O card, similar to BINGO.  In this fun activity, suitable for grades 5-12, each student would be given an ALERT-O card, and the teacher would call out items from the card, such as “Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.”  Students would mark the appropriate spot on their card, and the first student with four in a row would be the winner.

The telephone was the response to “do not use this to obtain further information and advice about an emergency,” and there were two True-False questions.  The guide noted that after the game was played, students would probably have questions, which could lead to further research on topics of interest.  For example, one student or a group might be assigned to do a research report on NORAD.

The book was full of other games and activities about civil defense.  For example, in one activity, a group of students would bring together items necessary to stock the fallout shelter, and then discussing the relative merit of the selected items.  There were even crossword puzzles (for grades 7-12) with words such as “nuclear” and “bomb.”

Even younger students could join in on the fun activities, such as the color-by-number puzzle atYourChanceToLiveCDEmblem the right.  In addition to familiarizing students with the CD emblem, it would help them brush up on their math facts.

The textbook itself is fascinating.  There are a few blanks that the student is directed to fill in with local information, such as the location of the closest shelter, so presumably, the idea was that students would get to keep their copy of the book as a future reference.
The preface notes that disasters are a part of life, and that “even a nodding acquaintance with some of the dangers of everyday life and what to do about them can help.”

The actual text starts with this promising language:

A federal agency has issued this book as part of its responsibility for your safety, and for overall national preparedness and security.

The text, format, and illustrations of the book do not conform to the stereotyped image of a government publication.

You may even enjoy reading it!YourChanceToLiveShelter

YourChanceToLiveFoodI certainly would have enjoyed reading it.  First of all, it was full of thought-provoking illustrations such as the one shown here while discussing stockpiling food for an emergency, and the one shown above, depicting an idealized well-stocked shelter.

The booklet didn’t have quite as many details as most civil defense publications, but it did cover the basics, to teach kids the fundamental information they needed to know to survive a disaster.

There were chapters on forest fires, heat waves, tornadoes and thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, winter storms, earthquakes and tidal waves, technological failures and emergencies, as well as environmental pollution. Of course, it culminated with chapters on nuclear disasters, warning systems, and home shelters, all information focused on preparation for a nuclear attack.

The book concluded with a chapter on psychological preparation, stressing the need to avoid panic, and the perils of inaction. For example, it explained how one resident of Pompeii survived by quickly taking action and leaving town when Vesuvius erupted, whereas those who didn’t act lost their lives to the disaster.

YourChanceToLiveAllClearEven though written for kids, the book was candid in its description of the effects of nuclear weapons.  For example, “if a 5-megaton bomb (5 million tons of TNT equivalent) were exploded in your living room, everything except specially designed structures in an area extending outward for 3 miles would be totally devastated. Look out your window and think what that means.”
The chapter on home shelters doesn’t go into any detail about construction details. Apparently, that will be left for Mom and Dad to figure out. But it does include this interesting vignette about one student’s experience with a home fallout shelter:

Dan’s eyes were open now. It should be morning, he thought. But it was still pitch black, and stuffy. If it was night, where was his window? The street lamp outside ? And if it was morning, why wasn’t it light ? He sat up on one elbow.

Dan remembered now. He was in the top bunk of the fallout shelter. Jerry was in the bunk below. Their parents had built and stocked the shelter in a corner of their basement; and then they decided to try it out.

What if this were a real attack, Dan wondered. That would be something else. Radiation caused by nuclear explosions would be scary—and could be a danger everywhere for people who survived the blast and heat of the explosion. At least you could protect yourself from radiation and the danger would fade with time. The radiation would decrease rapidly in the first 24 hours, and then start leveling off. Crash ! There was a shattering of glass. The peanut butter jar had fallen off a shelf onto the glass water jug. Both had shattered.

Dan watched his father carefully sweep the glass into the “dry garbage” sack.

“Obviously, no more glass in the shelter,” Dad said. “Plastic bottles for water; and stuff like jelly, and peanut butter, in plastic containers. And it needn’t be beans for breakfast every morning, either. A little planning could provide variety, as well as nourishment. Corned beef hash, canned spaghetti, peaches, and dry cereal . No problem there.”

By ten-thirty, the boys were bored to the teeth . This was the big problem with feeling cramped a close second. His parents were reading. He and Jerry worked awhile on a model jet fighter. But there was no glue. No heater either. No television, no fresh milk, no candles, no kerosene lamps. The radio was on now. This helped relieve the monotony. And he reflected that in a real emergency, the radio would be their link with the outside world. Through radio, they would receive official information and instructions–and they would learn when it would be safe to come out of shelter.

Dan felt sleepy. The air in the shelter was becoming warm and sticky. He longed for the outdoors and sunshine. Kids playing outside the shelter were yelling, having a good time. That made it very hard to wait until evening, when they would be leaving the shelter.

Despite this, he knew that in a real attack situation he would be grateful for the protection from radiation provided by the thick walls and roof of this shelter. He remembered that if there really had been a nuclear explosion, they probably would have to stay in the shelter for at least 24 to 48 hours–or even longer, depending on the outside level of radiation. And, they might even have to dig themselves out. That’s why they needed shovels, axes, and ropes. Dan was glad this was only a trial run. But he was also glad they’d done it.

It would make it easier to cope, if it ever came to the real thing.

Suddenly, it felt good to be alive !

Interestingly, the Civil Defense office also made a series of films designed to accompany the book. The one covering nuclear attack is quite interesting, and I’m sure would have been appreciated by older students. It begins as a “making of” movie about the production of a civil defense film, but has an ironic twist at the end:

Used copies of the book are available on Amazon at this link.

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1947 One-Tube Regen

1947AprRadioNews1947AprRadioNews2The plans for this handsome little one-tube receiver appeared 75 years ago this month in the April 1947 issue of Radio News.

The magazine noted that this simple circuit was one of the most useful pieces of equipment you can build. Obviously, it could be used as an extra receiver, but could also be put to other uses as well.

One half of the 1G6-GT tube served as regenerative detector, with the other half serving as audio amplifier to drive a pair of magnetic headphones. (The article points out that crystal earphones wouldn’t work with this circuit.) It is mounted on a 5 by 7 inch plywood base, with a front panel made of sheet steel. With four plug-in coils, the set would tune from below the broadcast band up to 18 MHz.


1922 Crystal Set

1922SciInv1A hundred years ago this month, this receiver was the winner of first prize in a contest run by Science and Invention magazine, and appeared in the April 1922 issue. The set was said to be adequate for pulling in stations 15-20 miles away. The only tools required to construct it were a knife and small nail, it could be built in about 30 minutes, and the cost was only $30, including headphone and antenna. The phone receiver was the most expensive component at about $2, and the cost of the set itself was only 21-1/2 cents.

With a 25 foot antenna in New York, the set was said to pull in stations WDY and WJZ. In fact, the author reported that on several occasions, the phone could be held about six inches from the ear with music and voices clearly distinguishable.

The author, and winner of the $100 first prize was James Leo McLaughlin. You can see some more of his receivers at this link.

All of the parts are readily available, if you don’t have them around the house already. The chassis is a 4-inch diameter cardboard container. You can probably ask a friendly restaurant to give you one of their takeout containers, or you can use the time-honored crystal set chassis, namely, an oatmeal container.  The terminals are brass paper fasteners and paper clips.  You’ll need some 26 gauge enamel wire for the coil, and wire of any size for the antenna. In lieu of the headphone, it’s easiest to use a high-impedance crystal earphone.

Finally, the article calls for a piece of silicon or galena for the detector. The gift shops of most science museums have an assortment of minerals for sale, galena being one of them. Or, like everything else, you can order it from Amazon.


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1972 Grocery Prices

PghPress041672For a snapshot of grocery prices fifty years ago, this ad for Shop ‘n Save appeared in the Pittsburgh Press fifty years ago today, April 16, 1972. Of course, inflation took off shortly after these prices appeared. According to this online inflation calculator, one dollar in 1972 was the equivalent of $6.79 today, so the three pints of stawberries or 10 grapefruit for a dollar would be the same as $6.79.

The ham for $1.09 per pound works out to $7.40 per pound. Coffee was $1.89 for a three pound can, but that’s the same as $4.27 per pound in today’s money.

What do you think are the biggest bargains on this page?  (Click on the ad above for a full size image.)

Texas City Disaster: 1947

Parking lot a quarter mile from the blast. Wikipedia photo.

Saturday marks the 75th anniversary of the deadliest industrial accident in U.S. history, the Texas City disaster of April 16, 1947, which started as a fire aboard the French-registered vessel SS Grandcamp docked at Texas City, Texas, with 2200 tons of ammonium nitrate. The disaster killed at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department.

Smoke was spotted in the cargo hold of the Grandcamp at about 8:00 AM. The captain ordered his crew to steam the hold, which probably made matters worse by converting the ammonium nitrate to nitrous oxide.

Spectators gathered, believing that they were a safe distance away. The sealed hold began to bulge, and water splashing against the hull began to boil.

The cargo detonated at 9:12 AM, with a blast leveling over a thousand buildings on land and destroyed the Monsanto chemical plan and ignited refinery and chemical tanks on the waterfront. Bails of twine from the cargo were set afire and hurled around the city. People in Galveston, 10 miles away, were forced to their knees, and the shock wave was felt as far as 250 miles away.

The ironically named SS High Flyer was docked nearby, and the blast set fire to that ship’s cargo of ammounium nitrate. Fifteen hours later, that ship exploded.

Hams Take To The Air

As might be expected, the blast destroyed much of the city’s communication infrastructure, and amateur radio operators quickly responded to fill the gap.  Many of these stories are detailed in the July 1947 issue of QST (pages 38-40).

B.H. Standley, W5FQQ, on the air at city hall, along with city clerk Ernest Smith, Nurse Mrs. E.L. Brockman.

B.H. Standley, W5FQQ, on the air at city hall, along with city clerk Ernest Smith, Nurse Mrs. E.L. Brockman.

By noon, the first amateur portable and mobile stations had moved into the city and were on the air, working in conjuction with Army, Navy, Coast Guard, U.S. Engineers, FBI, and local and state police. Links were quickly set up between City Hall and stations in Houston and San Antonio. Most traffic was handled on 75 meter phone and 80 and 40 meter CW. W5KMZ reportedly handled over 200 messages, mostly involving needed medical supplies. As the hours went on, additional traffic was handled by W5FQQ at the mayor’s office, with over 300 messages passing on behalf of city officials, the Army, Red Cross, and Salvation Army.

An impromptu three-way net was established on 3989 kHz between Texas City, Galveston, and Houston.  The FCC issued an order clearing the frequencies between 3840-3860 kHz, as well as 7050 for emergency use.

Two hams, W5FQQ and W5EEX, had been advised to evacuate but remained at their stations. They narrowly escaped death when the High Flyer lived up to its name with its explosion. W5FQQ was on the air at the time of the blast, and the blast was heard by W5IGS in Houston. 21 seconds later, the Houston station experienced his windows shaking.

W1AW declared the emergency to be over 11 days later, on April 17.

Broadcasters Cover the Disaster

Broadcasters also did their part to provide emergency relief.  The FCC allowed broadcast stations to carry personal messages, ordinarily not permitted by the rules.  According to the April 21, 1947, issue of BroadcastingKPRC, the Houston NBC affiliate, was the first to announce the explosion of the French ship. A mobile crew was rushed to Texas City, and the station was able to feed live descriptions of the tragedy. It also broadcasts lists of wounded at hospitals in Galveston, Houston, and other nearby towns.

Another Houston station, KTHT, similarly acted in the public interest. The Texas Highway Patrol used the station as an unofficial traffic control outlet, warning away sightseers and directing public service vehicles. The station was on the air on a 24 hour basis, and no commercials were aired for two days. In fact, when the High Flyer exploded, the sound was carried live over the station’s report.

KXYZ and KTRH in Houston, as well as KRLD Dallas broadcast emergency information.

In Galveston, KGBC aired the first bulletin minutes after the first explosion, and aired 24 remote broadcasts. Normally a daytime station, it was granted authority to broadcast 24 hours.

KLUF in Galveston also remained on the air on a 24 hour basis, with emergency messages given priority. Long lists of the dead, missing, and injured were also aired.

KPAC in Port Arthur, a station we’ve previously featured, also carried emergency announcements and instructions from police and other officials. Another Port Arther station, KOLE, chartered a plane to get newsmen to the scene.

In San Antonio, WOAI received a request from the NBC network to charger a plane, fly over the area, and report back in a broadcast from San Antonio. Their description was aired on the network broadcast that evening.

Litigation Ensues

As might be expected, considerable litigation followed, much of it under the Federal Tort Claims Act for alleged negligence of the U.S. Government. The case ultimately made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, Dahelite v. United States, 346 U.S. 15 (1953), in which the court held that the Government was not liable, since all of the claimed government negligence amounted to discretionary acts.

1947 Two-Tube Transmitter for 80 and 40

1947AprRadioNews4From the April 1947 issue of Radio News, this three-piece unit is a simple transmitter for 80 or 40 meters. The transmitter itself is the center chassis, using two tubes to put out 10-30 watts with a crystal-controlled oscillator and one stage of amplification. It will load up into a longwire, a tin roof, or just about anything that’s available. The main advantage of the additional RF stage is to keep the antenna from loading down the oscillator, and the author notes that the RF stage is untuned, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking into oscillation.

If desired, the modulator stage will turn the set into a ‘phone rig, but for the CW man, this can be dispensed with.

The author, Byron Lindsey, Jr., W4BIW, an engineer at WSB, reported that the transmitter could be put together on a single rainy day, and that a similar design had been use at his station for ten years.


1962 One Tube Radio

1962SpringRadioTVExp3Some of our readers are beginners, but we have no doubt that they are serious beginners. Therefore, we are sure that this one-tube broadcast receiver from 1962 will be of interest. The chassis is made of plywood, and empploys a singe 6SN7 tube. Half of the tube serves as a regenerative detector, with the other half amplifying the audio. A “dry” rectifier is used in the power supply, although a semiconductor diode could just as easily be substituted. The chassis was made of plywood, handsomely stained, and the result was an effective personal or bedside receiver, sure to provide the maker with many pleasant experiences. The project appeared in the Spring 1962 issue of Radio-TV Experimenter.

Science Fair Idea: Lens Made of Air

1937AprPS1For the student looking for a simple science fair project that will mystify the teacher, you’ve come to the right place. When the teacher asks what scientific question(s) your project will demonstrate, you can propose the following:

Is it possible to construct a convex lens that will have a magnification factor of less than one? Is it possible to construct a concave lens that will have a magnification factor of more than one?

ConvexConcaveTo put it another way, a convex lens (such as the one on the left) makes things look bigger, and a concave lens (shown on the right) makes things look smaller. But your simple experiment will show that it’s possible to make a convex lens that makes things look smaller, and a concave lens that makes them look smaller.

A lens is usually made out of a substance such as glass, which is denser than air. This means that light waves travel more slowly through the lens. But there’s no reason why you have to use glass and air. In your case, you will use air for the lens, and water instead of the air. This means that the speed of light is faster through the lens, rather than slower, as we usually think of lenses.

The layout for the lens is quite simple, as you can see from the illustrations. You need a small1937AprPS3 can, covered on each side with a piece of cellophane. Any type of clear flexible plastic should work fine. The easiest option is probably cling wrap. You’ll need to cut a hole in the side of the can, and insert a flexible rubber or plastic tube. The connection needs to be air tight. There are probably other ways to make the connection, but the easiest would probably be to use a small brass tube, and solder it to the can.  (You’ll need a soldering iron, which probably costs a lot less than you would expect.)  Slide the plastic tube over the brass, and make sure the connection is water tight.  The construction details are shown at the right.

1937AprPS2If you blow into the tube, as shown in the illustration above, then the can becomes a convex lens, made out of air. And if you suck air out of the tube, as shown at the left, it becomes a concave lens. Place it in a container of water, and you can watch how a black stripe at the bottom of the container is magnified or made smaller, but the opposite of how it would work with a glass lens in air.

Your teacher will have to concede that there’s nothing in the definition of “lens” that requires it to be made out of glass. He or she will have little choice but to award you the blue ribbon for answering your questions in the affirmative.

The project appeared 85 years ago this month in the April 1937 issue of Popular Science.

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