Category Archives: World War 2

Hallicrafters RE-1 Sky Courier

1945MayRadioNewsShown here is the Hallicrafters Model RE-1 Sky Courier receiver from 1945. For the G.I. far from home, the radio was as important as mail call in staying connected with home. Early in the war, whatever receiver could be found was pressed into service, but the harsh conditions meant that the military needed a rugged “morale” set, and the RE-1 was the answer.

The set could operate from batteries (90 and 9 volts) or AC power. The method for switching was ingenious. To switch to battery operation, the line cord was inserted into a jack in the back of the radio. The prongs of the cord completed two circuits, and thus served as a DPDT switch, connecting the batteries. The set tuned 550-1600 kHz and 2.8-19 MHz, and contained a built-in antenna.

Above all the set was rugged, and was designed to resist both corrosion and fungus.

The picture and description appeared in the May 1945 issue of Radio News.

V-E Day

Churchill waves to crowds.jpg

Churchill waves to crowds celebrating Victory in Europe, May 8, 1945. Wikipedia photo.

Today marks the 75 anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, commonly known as V-E Day.

The instrument of surrender was signed in Berlin by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel at 21:20 local time on May 8. The event coincided with President Truman’s 61st birthday, and was less than a month after the death of FDR. U.S. flags remained at half-staff for the remainder of the mourning period.

Truman broadcast that it was a victory only half won, since the battle against Japan still raged on.

1945 Three Tube Shortwave Receiver

1945MayPM11945MayPM2This three-tube shortwave set from the May 1945 issue of Popular Mechanics was designed around wartime parts shortages, and the magazine touted that it could be assembled entirely out of odds and ends of salvaged materials. The gentleman at left is shown scavenging parts from a discarded radio. Despite the low tube count, the set would pull in shortwave stations from around the world and fill the room with loudspeaker volume. It featured a 6C8-G as regenerative detector, 6K6-GT audio amplifier, and 6X5-GT rectifier. Plug-in coils allowed a tuning range of 160-19 meters. The magazine advised that the set was designed specifically for the short waves, and that the builder was advised not to try and alter it to tune the standard broadcst band.

The filaments were powered from a 6 volt transformer, and the B+ came straight from the AC line, with the familiar “hot chassis” design, and the familiar caution not to hook the chassis directly to ground.


1945 Radio Facsimile

1945AprRadioAge2Shown here, in the April 1945 issue of Radio Age, is a musical score by Dmitri Shostakovich, sent from Moscow to New York via radio facsimile, and performed by the NBC Symphony Orchestra.

Canadian POW Brian Hodgkinson

1945AprManCalling2We wrote previously about Canadian airman Brian Hodgkinson.  He was a former announcer for CKY Winnipeg, and was a German POW for most of the War. After the war, he moved to the United States where he was an announcer for WHK, WERE, and WDOK in Cleveland.

75 years ago this month, CKY’s program guide, Manitoba Calling, April 1945, carried this letter from a fellow POW:

Paris, 30 December, 1944.
I would be very grateful to you if you could put me in touch with Brian Hodgkinson’s family. This request may appear somewhat indiscreet. Here is a brief exposé of the reasons which motivate my request.
We met in Stalag VII a in Germany, where, for many months, we were together and we became great friends. We were separated in the summer of 1942 following camp changes.
I had the luck of returning to France a year ago where I am enjoying absolute liberty, following the exploits of your armed forces and those of your allies. I would therefore be very happy to receive news of my gi and comrade, and he having communicated his address to
Radio Winnipeg, I, in turn, am taking the liberty of addressing myself to you.
I offer my excuses for having written you in French, but my knowledge of the English language is so restricted that it does not permit my use of it.
With my most heartfelt thanks, 1 offer you. sir, my distinguished salutations and the greetings of a Frenchman -friend and admirer of the Canadian people.
Lucien Villatte,
107 Rue du Chevaleret,
Paris 13, France.

Hodgkinson’s memoir of his days during the war, Spitfire Down, was published after his death.  The book is not available in the United States, but used copies are available at a reasonable price on Amazon.  In Canada, it’s also available at

RCA ET-8030 Lifeboat Radio, 1945

1945AprRadioAgeCoverWe previously featured the Radiomarine Corporation of America’s model ET-8030 lifeboat radio. While the set was never deployed during the war, it was featured in the April 1945 issue of Radio Age, a quarterly magazine published by RCA. It is featured on the cover of the magazine, being operated by cadets at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, N.Y..

1945AprRadioAgeThe set, permanently mounted in the lifeboat, operated with a hand crank which provided the power and keyed the transmitter. In the automatic mode, the set would send a long dash and SOS on 500 kHz and 8280 kHz. It could also be switched into the manual mode, which allowed voice transmission, and included a receiver for both 500 kHz and 8100-8600 kHz. The set could be used with an inveted vee antenna mounted to the boat’s mast, but the most prominent feature was a helium balloon which could hoist the antenna to height of 300 feet and keep it there for a week. As a backup, a box kite was also provided.

1940 Admiral Radios

1940AprRadioRetailingEighty years ago, this ad showing some of the Admiral line of radios appeared in the April 1940 issue of Radio Retailing. Even rural Americans without household electricity would be able to pull in Europe direct with these battery shortwave sets. The sets all featured 1.5 volt filament tubes, and the combination A-B battery packs were readily available.

The model 10-A5 was a table set that tuned the standard broadcast band (including police calls, since it went as high as 1730 kHz) and 5.75-18 MHz shortwave to hear the war news directly from the capitals of Europe. The model 24-A5 was a comprable console model.

For broadcast only, the model 40-A4 and 41-B4 table sets were shown. The ad also featured four portable sets that could operate from AC, DC, or internal battery. The ad promised guaranteed car performance.

Easter 1940

1940EasterPolishSoldiersFor many around the world, Easter 2020 will be one of deprivation. It might be one of separation from loved ones. It might be one of sorrow.

But we pray that it is also one of resurrection, as we remember that future Easter’s will be brighter.

The men shown here are Polish soldiers, celebrating Easter 80 years ago, stationed in France. The priest is blessing the food that they will share. It’s quite possible that this was their last Easter. It was an Easter of deprivation, of separation from loved ones, of sorrow. But it was also an Easter of resurrection. On the battlefields of France they proclaimed, as we can proclaim again today: He is Risen! Alleluia!

The photo is courtesy of the Polish National Digital Archives.

Science Fair Idea: Eli the Ice Man

1945MarRadioCraftAIf you ask any serious student of electricity to name their favorite ice man, they’ll undoubtedly tell you that it is Eli. Eli the Ice man (a friend of Roy G. Biv) is a mnemonic to help you remember that in an inductive circuit (L), the voltage (E) leads the current (I). And in a capacitive circuit (C), the current (I) leads the voltage (E).

You can prove this concept with this simple experiment shown 75 years ago this month in the March 1945 issue of Radio Craft. In addition to the capacitor and inductor and a few miscellaneous parts, you’ll need a voltmeter and ammeter. During the war, those analog meter movements would have been hard to come by, but these days, you can get buy with two cheap multimeters. Stores sometimes give digital meters away for free, but this experiment will look a lot cooler with an analog meter.

You wire up the circuits and then observe the meter when the current is turned on. In the capacitive circuit, the ammeter will move before the voltmeter. In the inductive circuit, it will be the other way around.