Category Archives: Science fair ideas

How to Cut Glass with Scissors

1919MayPS3A hundred years ago this month, the May 1919 issue of Popular Science showed how to cut glass with a pair of scissors. Lo and behold, it is possible, as long as the glass is submerged under water.

The article noted that it is often necessary to cut an odd-shaped piece of glass, such as to replace the broken glass on an electrical instrument. According to the magazine, “ordinary window-glass may be cut to almost any desired shape by holding it beneath the surface of a pan of water and cutting with house shears.”

A straight cut was not possible, but it was possible to “chew out” the piece. Of course, my first reaction was that if this was indeed possible, then there would be YouTube videos, and indeed there were, such as this one, which inexplicably tells you not to try it at home. I encourage you to try it at home, but the recommendation to use eye protection is a good one.

According to this website, an unnamed issue of Scientific American explains the phenomenon by saying that water causes glass to crack more easily when water enters the crack. The “silicon-oxygen bond at the crack and an oxygen-hydrogen bond in the water are cleaved, creating two hydroxyl groups attached to silicon. As a result, the length of the crack grows by the size of one bond rupture. The water reaction reduces the energy necessary to break the silicon-oxygen bonds, thus the crack grows faster.”

How well does it work? That question would be suitable for some young scientist to explore as part of a winning science fair project.

Science Fair Idea: Does a Flame Conduct Electricity?

1939MayPSIf Junior’s science fair project is due tomorrow, there’s still time to whip together a meaningful project, and this one from the May 1939 issue of Popular Science should fill the bill. You probably have all of the necessary parts at home. If you don’t, you should be able to find them at the trusty dollar store.

This experiment answers the question, “does a flame conduct electricity?” It turns out that it does, and this experiment proves it. All Junior needs (in addition to the obligatory poster board and magic markers) is a battery (a 9-volt battery should work fine), a pair of headphones (a cheap pair of stereo earbuds will do the trick), a few short pieces of wire, and a candle.  And, of course, don’t forget to give Junior some matches or a lighter!

One terminal of the battery is hooked to the headphones. The other terminal of the battery and the other terminal of the headphones are each hooked to a piece of wire. Remove the insulation for the other end of those two wires. When Junior sticks the two wires into the flame of the candle, a clicking will be heard in the headphones, confirming that electrical current is flowing.

If Junior has more time to prepare his entry, he might want to consider more complex versions, such as the flame audion or the flame speaker.

1939MayPS2If you don’t trust Junior with matches, then the same magazine also shows the experiment shown here.  Junior will need a piece of glass, an iron, a lamp (with an old-fashioned incandescent light bulb) and a thermometer.  The glass will effectively block the heat from the iron.  The radiant heat from the lamp, however, has a shorter wavelength and will pass through the glass.  So when the iron is used, the thermometer won’t budge.  But with the lamp, the temperature will rise quickly.

Homemade Hygrometer (Humidity Meter)

1944AprPSHygrometerFor the student looking to put together a classic science fair project from the past, this hygrometer from the April 1944 issue of Popular Science should fit the bill.  A hygrometer is simply a device to measure humidity, and this one uses a single human hair as the sensor, just like the first one constructed by Horace Bénédict de Saussur in 1783.

Construction will require a bit of trial and error, but is quite simple.  First, a strand of hair about four inches long is washed “in cleaning fluid.” Another set of plans available on the internet recommend the use of dilluted rubbing alcohol, which should probably work as the cleaning fluid. The idea is to remove the oil from the hair to make it more sensitive to changes in humidity.

One end of the hair is attached to a fixed point, and the other end is wound around a large-eyed sewing needle. The 1944 article recommends attaching it to the needle with sealing wax.  However, you should be able to use other fancy stuff, such as hot glue or possibly just regular glue.

The needle is held in place by bearings consisting of shirt buttons. Finally, a pointer is attached to the needle. As the humidity changes, the hair expands and contracts, which causes the needle to rotate. The amount of rotation is visible on the pointer.

How to Make an Electret


1969MarPEelectret1If you’re looking for a really dangerous science experiment, then you need look no further than the March 1969 issue of Popular Electronics. The magazine describes the electret. It points out that it is the analogue of a permanent magnet. Instead of producing a permanent magnetic field, the electret produces a permanent static electric field. For example, it’s possible to make an electret, and then use it to produce a spark weeks, months, or even years later.  The name electret was coined by Oliver Heaviside in 1885 as a combination of electr- from electricity, and -et from magnet.

The process to create an electret is quite simple. You simply take a suitable material (in this case, a piece of lucite), heat it to a high temperature, and then let it cool while applying a high voltage.  That sounds easy enough, but the voltage must be very high.  The article suggests 14,000 volts, and tells you exactly where you can get it–from the family’s portable TV set.

You simply remove the anode clip from the picture tube, and that’s your source of high voltage.  But as the article rightly points out, messing around with 14,000 volts could easily prove fatal if you make the smallest mistake.  So we don’t recommend this particular experiment.  Old TV sets had an interlock for a reason, and that was to prevent them from operating when the case was open.  In fact, as the article points out, the wire in question could easily deliver a deadly jolt even with the set unplugged and turned off.  This is because the capacitors in the power supply retain a charge.  In other words, you probably shouldn’t attempt to duplicate this experiment unless you are very familiar with exactly what the dangers are.

But the procedure itself is quite simple.  You build an oven a shown here, and use Sterno to heat it.  When you reach the desired temperature, you carefully wire up the high voltage.  While standing back many feet, you plug in the TV.  If you hear strange noises, then you unplug the TV.  Prior to making the connection, and after you unplug the set, you need to discharge the TV’s power supply capacitor.  The article recommends an electrician’s glove.

After the lucite is fully cooled, you disconnect things, and you have yourself an electret.

Of course, modern televisions don’t have CRT’s, so they don’t have 14,000 volt power supplies inside.  So if you’re intent on duplicating this experiment, you’ll need to find an old TV, the older the better.  Even though we have this experiment in the “science fair ideas” category, we don’t recommend it to students due to the lethal voltages involved.  But we have many other experiments that you can find by browsing that category.

Science Fair Idea: Plants Give Off Oxygen

1939MarPSMany of our science fair ideas are geared toward the student prone to procrastination. If you look through our site, you’ll find many projects that look spectacular but can be whipped up in a single evening. This one doesn’t come under that category, since it requires several days of being set aside. But still, it establishes some meaningful science and has the added advantage of including something bursting into flame.

To show that plants put out oxygen, the experiment collects some of the gas emitted by a plant. After enough has been collected, the student can establish that it’s pure oxygen by placing a small smoldering piece of wood or paper into it, where it will burst into flame.

This idea appeared in Popular Science 80 years ago this month, March 1939.

Science Fair Idea: Magnetostriction

1939FebPSStudents looking for an interesting science fair project to illustrate a concept that the science teacher has probably never heard of can’t go wrong with this simple experiment demonstrating the principle of magnetostriction.  This property causes certain materials to change shape and dimensions during the process of magnetization. The effect was first noted by James Prescott Joule in 1842.

The effect is quite small, but the ingenious experiment shown here will detect the change in length of the iron rod. One end is placed on a roller, which might be as simple as a wooden dowel. The dowel has a rather long pointer affixed to detect the small changes in length.

The magnetic field is induced by winding insulated wire around the rod.  It’s powered by two old-school dry cell batteries, but two modern alkaline D cells will work just as well or better.  The construction of the experiment will be neater if you use a battery holder.

Chances are, the science teacher has never heard of magnetostriction, and he or she will be quite impressed that you were able to induce a measurable change of length in the seemingly solid iron rod.

The project appeared in Popular Science 80 years ago this month, February 1939.

1943 Life Magazine Electric Motor Project

1943Dec27LifeThis classic science fair project appeared 75 years ago today, in all places, in the December 17 1943 issue of Life magazine.

The magazine carried an article extolling the virtues of the nation’s then 200 million electric motors. It concluded with these plans for making one at home with only a wooden block, 5 paper clips, 13 thumbtacks, and a spool of enameled wire.

The old fashioned dry cell battery is a nice touch, but an alkaline D cell will work just as well.  For those who wish to bypass the parts procurement process, here is an available kit:

American Basic Scientific Club

1958NovBL This ad for the American Basic Scientific Club appeared inside the back cover of Boys’ Life 60 years ago this month, November 1958.  For only $3.45 each, the club would send one scientific kit per month for eight months, each containing an interesting project on subject such as radio, meteorology, atomic energy, and photography.  At the end of eight months, the student would have a working regenerative receiver, signal tracer, code practice oscillator, darkroom (including enlarger), and many other scientific instruments.

I don’t recall hearing about this club, which was apparently in decline by the 1970s when I would have been interested.  There’s an interesting history of the club at this website, written by the son of the founder.  And a picture of the three-tube regenerative receiver, along with a partial schematic, can be found at this link.  The set appears to be mounted on a chassis made of a single piece of metal, mounted on the cardboard box in which the kit arrived.  It does have a power transformer, making it relatively safe for the young experimenter.

One of the books included with the kits was a guide to obtaining a ham radio license.  It appears that the receiver could be built for either the AM broadcast band or 80 meters, meaning that it probably made a workable receiver for a new novice.

1948 Homemade Transistor

1948OctRadioNewsShown here is a crude but functional homemade transistor from 1948, from the October 1948 issue of Radio News.  While the author had not yet used the fragile device in a working circuit, he did note that he achieved amplification by a factor of up to 50.  The transistor was very unstable at that high amplification, but it did work reliably amplifying by a factor of 15.

The transistor was made of a 1N34 germanium diode carefully broken open.  One lead was kept intact, and the other two contacts were made by making cat whiskers out of filaments of old tubes.

The article cites some 1920s articles where the authors made “amplifying crystals” by a similar means.  By applying the techniques in this article, the advanced student could prepare a science fair project that his or her teacher would probably declare impossible–making a homemade transistor.

Science Fair Idea: Trajectory of Moving Object

1943OctPS2If Junior needs to quickly put together a science fair project, this idea from the October 1943 issue of Popular Science will demonstrate some meaningful science with minimal preparation.  It makes use of two marbles and an old hacksaw blade, although with a bit of ingenuity, substitutions can be made to take advantage of available materials.

The two marbles are placed at the edge of a table and whacked as shown in the illustration.  Obviously, one of them flies off the table much faster and further than the other one.  But by listening to the sound of them hitting the floor simultaneously, it is clear that they are traveling downward at an identical rate.

If the teacher requires a question to be answered by the experiment, it can be something along the lines of:  “Does horizontal velocity of a projectile affect the rate of descent due to gravity?”

Junior will walk away with the blue ribbon, and the teacher will be none the wiser that he waited until the last minute.