Category Archives: Radio history

1963 British Two-Tube Regen

1963NovPracWirelessSixty years ago this month, the November 1963 issue of the British journal Practical Wireless carried complete plans for constructing this handsome two-tube shortwave receiver. A transformer and solid state rectifier allowed it to be run from the AC mains. An acorn tube served as detector, with a dual triode supplying two stages of audio amplification for loudspeaker volume.

The set could tune 1.2 MHz to 100 MHz (or even lower, although each band would be quite narrow). For general use, the magazine suggested a coil covering 7-22 MHz, and perhaps a second one for 2-5 MHz. Coils could be wound on old tube bases, and complete coil data was included.

Since the set was designed for beginners, the blueprint also included a wealth of data useful new SWL’s, such as a list of stations, frequency allocations, and the Q-code.


Ergonomic 1938 Radio

1938NovPSThis young woman is now a centenarian, but in November 1938, she was shown in that month’s issue of Popular Science showing off the latest in ergonomic radio receivers. This pushbutton set (the brand name of which is not shown) could be used in two configurations. With the radio sitting on one side, the controls were handy to those who were seated. But tipped up, the radio was easily tuned by a person standing.

Postal Zones Introduced: 1943

1943OctNRNEighty years ago, the U.S. Post Office Department introduced postal zone numbers in the 124 American cities shown here. These were the predecessors of the ZIP Code, introduced 20 years later in 1963.

The number was written after the city, but before the state. When the ZIP code was introduced, these zone numbers became the last two digits of the ZIP.

This list appeared in the October 1943 issue of National Radio News, which reminded readers to use add the code 9 between “Washington” and “D.C.” when mailing lessons and other items to the National Radio Institute.

1953 One-Tube Novice Receiver

1953OctRadioNewsSeventy years ago this month, the October 1953 issue of Radio News showed how to build this one-tube regenerative receiver, especially designed for the Novice. It used a single 6SN7 dual tube, which served as regenerative detector and audio amplifier.

The previous month’s issue of the magazine had showed a companion transmitter and power supply, and the receiver used that same power supply. Since the power supply was regulated, the receiver was extremely stable, and the article pointed out that a crystal-controlled signal sounded like it was crystal controlled, unlike many regenerative receivers, where you couldn’t really tell the difference.



1938 Two-Tube Pushbutton Set

1938OctPM2This handsome little two-tube receiver graced the pages of Popular Mechanics 85 years ago this month, October 1938. It uses two dual tubes, so it has the performance of a four-tube set. One tube appears to serve as RF amplifier and detector, with the other one providing two stages of AF amplification to drive the speaker. The set was billed as being perfect for an extra set around the house, as a traveler’s companion, for the sick room, or for the office desk.

Tuning was accomplished with a (now unobtainium) pushbutton unit, which contained trimmers for individual stations. An alligator clip connected to the antenna (through a fixed capacitor and without a ground, as the chassis was hot).


1953 Novice Transmitter

1953SepRadioElec2Seventy years ago this month, the September 1953 issue of Radio-Electronics carried the plans for this economical two-tube transmitter for the novice. It ran 35 watts input power, which the author, Richard Graham, W1VJV, acknowledged was less than the legal limit of 75 watts. But the advantage was cost. At the lower power level, common TV parts could be used, making it singificantly less expensive. And on the receiving end, the difference was only half an S unit, which wasn’t even discernible by the human ear.

The rig employed a 6C4 as Pierce oscillator, driving a 6BQ6-GT final. With the coils shown, it could tune both 80 and 40 meters. At the time, the Novice did not have privileges on 40, but would be ready the moment they upgraded to General.


1938 Two Tube Regen

1938SepRadioNews2Eighty five years ago this month, the September 1938 issue of Radio News carried detailed construction details for putting together this two-tube shortwave receiver. It used a 1B4 as regenerative detector, followed by a 1F4 as audio amplifier.

The set tuned 160 through 10 meters, and the author advised that the beginner should start on 160 meters, since most signals will be relatively local and easy to tune in. He also gave pointers on which bands would work best at different times of day.

The article concludes by noting that once the reader becomes acquainted with the operation of the set, it would be a reliable and consistent way to bring to your headphones most of the DX signals of the world.


1948 3-Tube Shortwave Receiver

1948SepPracWirSeventy-five years ago this month, the British Practical Wireless carried the plans for this handsome three-tube shortwave receiver. It used homemade coils. It would drive a speaker, but for pulling in weak stations, or for amateur radio use, headphones could be used.

The coils are mounted under the chassis, and were switchable from the front panel.


Emerson 747 Pocket Radio, World’s Smallest Radio: 1953

Emerson7471953SepRadioElecAt first glance, the radio above appears to be a transistor radio from the late 1950s or early 1960s. But it’s not. While the transistor had been invented when this radio came out in 1953, it didn’t use any. Instead, it’s a four-tube radio, employing flat miniature tubes. While most often used in hearing aids, this radio made use of those tubes, and for $40, you could have what was rightly the world’s smallest radio. While other radios might have been smaller, they were essentially novelties, requiring headphones and often an external antenna. This four-tube superhet pulled in the stations with an internal ferrite antenna, and the sound from the 2-1/2 inch speaker could be heard across a large room.

The announcement at left appeared 70 years ago this month in the September 1953 issue of Radio Electronics. The ad above is courtesy of Joe Haupt from USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The set retailed in 1953 for $40. You can learn more about it and view a pristine example at the video below.

Radio in the Schools: 1938

1938SepRadioCraftThe New York city high school students shown above are presenting Macbeth over the airwaves of WNYC. They are featured in an article in the September 1938 issue of Radio Craft, which notes that a new “R” has found its way into education. In addition to Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic, the schools now included Radio.

1938SepRadioCraft2The station presented two educational programs per day–one for elementary students, and one for the high schools. The fifth graders at P.S.92, Bronx, shown here are listening to one such program, which was picked up by an ordinary receiver in the room. Not all schools were yet equipped with radio, but the plan was for every classroom in the school system to have its very own radio in the near future.

The students appearing in the programs were selected by audition, and the magazine noted that there was no shortage of volunteers.

The same issue of the magazine also carried an editorial by Hugo Gernsback, who opined that schoolroom broadcasting would afford deserving young boys and girls and opportunity for self-expression never before available. He also reminded his readers that there was a very decent profit to be made by the enterprising radio man who goes after the business in education.