CBS Berlin Correspondent William Shirer

1941Oct11RadioGuideShown here, in the October 11, 1941, issue of Radio Guide is a photo of CBS correspondent William Shirer, conferring with a German naval officer acting as his censor. Shirer had recently returned to America after being posted in Berlin, and the magazine offers some of his recollections.

For most of his term in Berlin, Shirer had lived in an apartment, but for the last year of his assignment, he had lived at the Adlon Hotel.  Since the hotel catered to foreigners, it was one of the last places in Berlin to have hot water constantly available. In fact, Shirer often met with officials in his room, and was able to provide those officials with a hot bath.

The article served partially as a tease for Shirer’s forthcoming book, Berlin Diary,  which is still available. The book recounted his years in Berlin. Shirer is best known as the author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

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