Postwar Radio Retailing: 1946

1946FebRadioRetailingShown here on the cover of Radio Retailing 75 years ago this month, February 1946, this couple are taking home their first postwar radio. New civilian radios were coming back on the market after a long absence, and there was probably still a shortage, as evidenced by the crowd clamoring behind them.

The magazine reminded dealers, however, that the time would soon come when customers would stop searching for radios. Instead, they would soon be going from store to store choosing. It warned against complacency. Even though it was currently no real task to sell anything, the dealer’s goal should be to make a customer of every shopper. In particular, customers would appreciate a little extra courtesy and consideration.

Selling a scarce item with the same degree of interest that would be called for in a competitive era would have the result of making friends and getting free advertising for his goodwill.

The day would soon come when the dealer would have to fight for every dollar, and attractive selling methods now would go a long way to bring in those dollars.