Sentinel Postwar Portable

1945July30BCIn the final months of the war, American companies knew that they would soon have the ability to produce consumer products, and that there would be a huge pent-up demand for them. Most of them, like Sentinel Radio Corp. of Evanston, Illinois, were planning for that day. Shown here is that company’s vision for what it would produce after the war, a miniature portable that would fit in a vest or shirt pocket or handbag. Smaller than the smallest camera, it was several times smaller than the smallest prewar set.

This model would use a hearing-aid style earpiece, and that wire would double as the antenna. The whole set, including batteries and tubes, would be little larger than the ubiquitous cigarette case.

This teaser appeared 75 years ago today in the July 30, 1945, issue of Broadcasting. The magazine noted that the company was still engaged in war production and wasn’t able to say for sure when the new set would be available. But the new set had passed preliminary tests, and they hoped to start production the moment restrictions were lifted.