1945 MacGyver Power Supply


According to Wikipedia, MacGyver was born in either 1951 or 1952, so he couldn’t have been responsible for this wartime power supply. Instead, it was sent in to the the March 1945 issue of Radio Craft by one Richard F. Reed of Jacksonville, Florida. But MacGyver must have been inspired by Reed, since this power supply ingeniously makes use of available parts, despite wartime shortages.

Reed needed to 90 volt power supply, and used this circuit to get it out of a 1.5 volt battery. The transformer could have been an audio output transformer, but Reed had on hand a model plane induction coil, so he used that. In lieu of an inverter, he used a 1.5 volt buzzer in series with the transformer.

For a rectifier, he used the starter from a fluorescent light. He reported that the supply put out 95 volts at 25 mA.