1922 Beaver Baby Grand Crystal Set


In an earlier post, we showed the Beaver Baby Grand crystal set
manufactured by the Beaver Machine & Tool Company of Newark, N.J. The company appeared to be primarily involved in manufacturing electrical switches, which are shown around the margin above. The crystal set was a sideline. In 1924, the set was selling for $3.40, and was being marketed as a gift for less fortunate friends who couldn’t afford a tube set.

I happened to find this ad from 1922, at which time the set had a retail price of $10. It appeared in the June 1922 issue of the trade publication Electrical Record.

This ad was directed toward dealers, and calls the set a “new harvest in radio profits.” The company notes that it had uncovered a demand that had been growing under the surface for months of “veteran fans who want a portable set to take along on hikes, picnics, to camp, etc.” The ad also notes that if dealers show off this handsome little instrument to other customers, “you will sell many people who cannot afford the vacuum tube sets.”

At the top of the page is an admonition: “Dog Ear this page. The boss will want to see it.”

The product was also featured  editorially in the “new products” section of the magazine:


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