1946 One Tube CW Transmitter

1946OctPS11946OctPS2Seventy-five years ago this month, the October 1946 issue of Popular Science showed how to put together this one-tube 80 meter CW transmitter. In the picture above, the transmitter is at the left. Not shown is an antenna matching unit. The two chasses are shown at left. Both the transmitter and matching unit have identical sets of coils and capacitors, and are connected by twisted lamp cord.

According to the article, the set can be put together for a few dollars, and fewer hours. It requires a power supply capable of supplying 250-300 volts. The set was said to be capable of real performance, despite its size. But the article noted that the 80 meter band was crowded with high power stations, so there would be a better chance of getting through during the relatively quiet hours.


1935 Grocery Prices

1935May10For a snapshot of grocery prices during the Great Depression, these ads appeared in the May 10, 1935, issue of the Bismarck (ND) Tribune.  The prices look like a bargain, but money was tight for many, and according to this inflation calculator, each 1935 dollar is the equivalent of $19.97 in 2021 dollars.  And when you multiply these prices by 20, they no longer look like such a bargain.

Click on the image to view a full-size copy of the ad.

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Brattleboro VT High School Radio Club, 1UT, 1921

1921Sep30A hundred years ago today, the September 30, 1921, issue of The Brattleboro (Vermont) Daily Reformer carried this editorial. It was under the heading of Brattleboro High School News, and the Editor-In-Chief is identified as Lynn Thayer, a sixteen-year-old student at the school.

According to the 1920 call book, the club was already licensed under the call 1UT.

Radio Practice in the High School.

Radio, one of the newer branches of engineering, has developed with tremendous success in the past few years. Important inventions occur with such rapidity that it is impossible to write a comprehensive text on the subject. A new radio station is being built on Long Island which will send and receive simultaneously from five European countries. Telephone communications have been carried on over greater distances without wires than have been carried on with wires. And yet the science is still in its infancy. No one dares to predict its .status twenty years hence.

The high school radio club, in the small town, is usually the only means of creating local interest in this diverting subject. Two or three boys in the town usually have special aptitude for this subject, but they cannot interest many of the others. A radio club is the means of not only instructing but also interesting the majority. Code practice and instruction in the use of apparatus are more readily given to an assembly. Oretical [sic] principles may be explained by the science teacher or one of the older members. Articles of interest concerning the latest inventions can be discussed and all the social advantages of such a club can be enjoyed.

You ask: What are the benefits boys derive from radio? Here is the answer:
Radio tends to cultivate patience and ingeniousness and concentration. It interests the boy in clean, fascinating work which may lead to a good job later. Should he erect a set at home there would be no question of where he would spend his evenings. It is an indoor sport which will teach him to use his hands and head. At the same time it will interest the rest of the family and keep them posted on things in the scientific world.

Radio is without doubt a modern subject. It is a study of modern things. It is the keynote to more difficult sciences and interesting subjects than most people realize. Since to be modern is to be up in all the latest subjects of interest no one is modern who does not know something about it. Radio is distinctly one of the latest. It is only at the beginning of its career, which will astonish the world because of its magnitude.

Sinking of the H.M.S. Rajputana, 1941

1941SepPS3The H.M.S. Rajputana was built in 1925 as a civilian passenger and cargo liner. She was requisitioned into the Royal Navy in 1939, and had installed eight six-inch guns, giving the firepower of a light cruiser, but without the armored protection.

She was torpedoed and sunk off Iceland on April 13, 1941, after escorting a convoy. 42 men were lost, including her last civilian commander. 283 crew members were saved, however, including Stoker First Class Frank C. Davidson of Truvo, Nova Scotia, who recounted his tale in this Eveready ad in the September 1941 issue of Popular Science.

After the first torpedo struck, Davidson and two other crew members scrambled below to save a few belongings. Suddenly, the second torpedo ripped into the ship, trapping the men under tables, chairs, and lockers. Davidson recounted that “escape seemed impossible…. until I remembered my flashlight.”

Thanks to the flashlight, loaded with Eveready batteries, they managed to fight their way, dazed and confused, to the deck, just as the captain gave the order to abandon ship.

Eveready batteries and flashlights are, of course, still available many places, including Amazon. Full disclosure: If you make a purchase after clicking one of the following affiliate links, this website earns a small commission.

How to Repair Intermittents: 1946

1946SepRadioServiceDealer2Seventy-five years ago this month, the September 1946 issue of Radio Service Dealer
addressed the issue of how to deal with intermittent problems in radios. The magazine called them time wasters, because there was really no way to service the set until the problem manifested itself. And Murphy’s law being what it is, that generally meant that the set would work just fine when the serviceman was ready to work on it.

One solution to the problem was the circuit shown here. The set would be put on the bench hooked to a signal generator. The leads to the set’s speaker would be disconnected and hooked to the input. By carefully adjusting the control in the circuit, and the set’s volume control, the set would play while the serviceman worked on other sets. But when the signal strength started to drop, the bell would sound, and attention could immediately turn to the problem set.

The magazine even suggested that this circuit could be used as a final check for all sets serviced in the shop, to make sure there was no hidden fault before the set was returned to its owner.

Stuckey’s Highway Emergency Locating Paging Service: 1973

Today, if you want to contact someone who is traveling, it’s a simple matter of dialing their cell phone number. Wherever they are in the country, or even the world, their phone will ring, and you will be speaking with them. You can text that same number, or e-mail them, and you can be reasonably certain that you will contact them. And you don’t need to know where they are.

This is a new phenomenon, and it hasn’t always been this way.  As recently as 30 years ago, if you wanted to contact someone, then you needed to know where they were.

Things began to change with the advent of cellular phones in the early 1990s, but only if the person had a cellular phone, which wasn’t always the case. And you had to know their phone number. For many users, the number was a closely guarded secret. They had to pay per minute for all calls–incoming and outgoing–so they didn’t give the number to just anyone. (Some countries solved this problem by having callers pay, but in the United States, almost without exception, the cellular subscriber had to pay for the airtime.)

But at first, even if you had the number, there was no way to call someone outside of their home area, without knowing where they were. In short, if you were on the road, you might be able to make outgoing calls, but you wouldn’t be able to receive incoming calls.

This 1990 news article made a prediction, which seemed almost unbelievable at the time:

Currently, callers seeking someone who has traveled away from his or her local calling area must know where that person is in order to complete a call. With automatic call delivery, a person “roaming” outside the home market will send out a locating signal to the closest cellular system whenever he or she turns on the cellular phone. Computers then will do the searching and service authorizations.

“If you’re up in Chicago and I’m back in Washington and all I’ve got is your local Washington number, I’m going to be able to dial that Washington number . . . and that phone call is going to find you . . . anywhere in the United States,” said Norman Black, a spokesman for the cellular phone association.

That was almost unbelievable, but according to the article, it was going to happen by 1992. It did eventually happen, but for most customers, it took a bit longer.

Prior to the 1990s, there was really no way to contact someone who was traveling, unless they called you. In emergency situations, broadcast stations might fill in. Occasionally, on stations such as WCCO Minneapolis, it wasn’t uncommon to hear a message such as the following:

The Minnesota Highway Patrol has asked our assistance in locating John Doe of Minneapolis for an emergency message. John Doe of Minneapolis, please call the Minnesota Highway Patrol for an emergency message.

When I heard those, I always wondered what kind of tragedy befell that particular family. But presumably, they heard their name on the radio, called the Highway Patrol, and were put in touch with whoever had the bad news for them.

In 1973, an idea came along that was ahead of its time–a method to contact travelers anywhere in the country. Messages could be sent to anyone anywhere in the country, as long as the traveler was willing to stop at a popular roadside retailer.  It was really an early version of e-mail, and certainly one of the first methods of digital communication that most Americans had ever seen.

The retailer was Stuckey’s, and the system they pioneered was called “Highway Emergency Locating Paging Service“, or HELPS for short. The chain had 350 stores nationwide, all strategically located along major highways. They had clean restrooms, they sold snacks, and most had gas pumps. It was the kind of place where you had to stop anyway, and the idea was that if you could also use their stores to keep in touch with family or business associates back home, then it would be a competitive advantage for them.

The store was equipped with a computer console with a CRT screen and 10 digit numeric keyboard. Before you left on your trip, you would tell the folks back home that they could always reach you by calling the Stuckey’s HELPS line in Georgia. From early in the morning to late at night, a friendly operator would answer the phone. After hours, there was answering machine. The caller would tell the operator that they had a message for you, and give the operator your home phone number (or other agreed-upon number). The message would be a phone number that you were to call back.

When you stopped for gas at any of the 350 Stuckey’s locations, you would go inside and use the free terminal. It would prompt you to enter your phone number. The terminal would link back to Stuckey’s headquarters via Western Union lines, and would display any messages, or tell you that you had none. If you had a message, then you would go to the payphone and call them.  You would have to pay for a long distance call, but you only had to pay for one long distance call.

The beauty of this system was that the caller didn’t need to know where you were. As long as you bought your gas at Stuckey’s, it didn’t matter if you were in Maine or California–you would get the message.

The system got the approval of the New York Times:

Stuckey’s deserves a large bouquet of pralines and a rousing round of applause from the motoring public for having invented a free, public service with no strings attached that is probably the greatest contribution to the motorist’s peace of mind since the free gas company roadmap and the hopefully clean gas station rest room.

The console had a second function. The store manager had a key that converted it into a terminal for ordering stock from the company’s warehouse. The annual cost of the system was estimated at $660,000.

As a youngster, I remember seeing one of these machines and thinking to myself what a good idea it was. Of course, I entered our home phone number, and there were no messages for us. As far as I know, it didn’t last long, and I never saw another one of the terminals. It was a very good idea, but perhaps a bit ahead of its time.

1961 “Simple Talkie” 15 Meter Transceiver

1961SepElecWorldSixty years ago this month, the September 1961 issue of Electronics World showed how to put together this simple handheld transceiver for 15 meters, dubbed the “Simple-Talkie.” The designer was none other than Hartland Smith, then W8VVD, currently W8QX, whom we’ve featured previously.

With a short piece of wire serving as antenna, the range was said to be about a hundred feet, or several hundred feet with a half-wave wire. The power input was a modest 10 mW. While the range is short, it was useful for various antenna projects around the shack. To communicate from the shack to the tower, the ham inside would use the main station, and the ham climbing the tower could communicate with the tiny rig.


Merchant Marine Radio Officer: 1951

1951SepRadioElectThe September 1951 issue of Radio-Electronics carried this image of a Radio Officer in the Merchant Marine, aboard the Esso Tanker Bermuda.  The magazine carried a good summary of the profession. At the time, Radio Officers were in demand, and for a young man seeking adventure, it was an ideal time to land such a job. Minimum pay was $300 a month, and it could be as high as $500. Work could be on a freighter or tanker, where the attitude was more casual, and there was little concern about whether the officers were shaven or well dressed. On passenger ships, things were more formal, but the pay generally was better. The magazine noted that officers in the merchant marine were exempt from the draft, but also that the service had more casualties than the armed forces in the previous war.

The radio officer usually had a lot of free time after his watch, and it was an ideal opportunity for him to take correspondence courses.

Most of the time, the work consisted of keeping watch on 500 kHz and also on HF. This was usually done by having two loudspeakers playing. The operator could tend to other affairs while keeping an ear open for his ship’s call sign should it come over the radio.

The article noted that most radio officers were members of a union, but with a shortage of qualified men, joining the union was easy. And job security was guaranteed by international treaties which required a radiotelegraph station and qualified operator. In addition to the FCC license, the radio officer was certified by the Coast Guard which required, among other things, that all officers be certified in first aid.

Filling a Vacant Pulpit by Radio: 1921

1921SepWirelessAgeFrom the picture on Google Street View, it appears that the Herron Avenue Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a vacant building today. And a hundred years ago, the pulpit was apparently vacant.

1921SepWirelessAge2Undaunted, the members figured out a way to fill the pulpit, in the form of the radio receiver shown here. In the absence of a regular pastor, the pulpit was fitted with a radio receiver, and the service was received by radio from the Calvary Episcopal Church some ten miles away. According to the account in the September 1921 issue of Wireless Age, the service was received with unmistakable distinctness. “Interest was so well sustained throughout the religious services, that the proverbial sleeping brother in the amen corner was conspicuously absent.”

Radiola Model 526: 1941

1941SepServiceEighty years ago this month, the September 1941 issue of Service magazine carried this ad reminding dealers that the Radiola model 526 would sell itself. The set covered standard broadcast and shortwave, and was billed as having a “Station Spreader” dial on the 25 and 31 meter bands. This appears to mean that the tuning range was 9.5 to 12 MHz, meaning that those two bands would naturally take up most of the dial, resulting in easy tuning on those crowded bands.

The same set was available in a wooden cabinet as model 527.  It could also be purchased without shortwave, in plastic as model 516, or wood as model 517.