Billie Dove, 1923

1923MayRadioTopicsOne hundred years ago this month, the May 1923 issue of Radio Topics magazine’s cover featured twenty-year-old actress Billie Dove, who was evidently a radio enthusiast. She had begun her career a few years earlier as part of the Zigfield Follies, and had moved to silent, and then talking, motion pictures.

She was later engaged to radio amateur Howard Hughes, W5CY, but it was she who broke off the relationship.  She died in 1997.

Woody’s Radio Service, New York, 1943

1943MayRadioRetailingThis busy looking wartime shop at 131 East 34th Street, New York, was actually two stores. Shown at the left is Woody, the proprietor of Woody’s Radio Service. At the right is O. Saporta, owner of a business that sold music and records, and had recently started carrying greeting cards.

Woody’s business kept him very occupied, as he specialized in servicing hotels and apartments in the “high class section” of the city. His clientele consisted of many of the best-known people in New York. In addition, he did work for the Merchant Marine, and serviced “Muzak” in hotels.

Saporta, with whom he shared the store, was well known in New York music circles, according to the May 1943 issue of Radio Retailing, where the picture appeared.

1973 British Three Transistor Intercom

Screenshot 2023-05-02 12.03.22 PMFifty years ago, this British family stayed connected thanks to this three-transistor (one germanium, two silicon) intercom, from the May 1973 issue of Everyday Electronics. The set was tested with a range of fifty feet, and the author believed that it would perform well over a much longer connection. Similar commercial units were available, but the cost of materials (about three pounds) of this project was considerably lower.

The master unit used a spring-loaded push to talk switch.

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Last Minute Science Fair Ideas

1943MayPS3If you’re getting ready to go to bed, and Junior just remembered that the science fair project is due tomorrow, there’s no need to panic. Any of the projects on this page will provide a suitable demonstration of some scientific principle, and you–er, I mean Junior–can whip them together in a few minutes with materials found around the house.

1943MayPS2The first one, shown at right, demonstrates static electricity. A glass jar with a metal cap contains a few bits of tissue paper, and Junior can make them “dance” without moving the jar. This is done by shuffling his feet along the carpet to get an electric charge. Instead of touching an unsuspected family member as he would usually do, he touches the lid of the jar. This causes the paper to be attracted and leap from the bottom of the jar.

The next experiment, shown at the top of the page. demonstrates the relationship between magnetism and electricity. A closed coil of copper wire is suspended next to a magnet. Another magnet is moved inside the coil. The magnet induces a current in the coil, which causes the coil to become an electromagnet. It is then repelled from the hanging magnet.

1943MayPS1The third experiment, at left, demonstrates indirectly the acceleration due to gravity. A liquid is poured, and it is noted that the column becomes thinner toward the bottom. This is because the liquid is moving faster at the bottom.

Finally, Junior can demonstrate the concept of surface tension with the experiment shown below. A cork is carefully connected to a metal ring, and placed in a cup of water so that the cork is just barely submerged by the surface tension of the water. When a bar of soap is touched to the water, the surface tension is reduced, and the cork pops to the surface.

The science teacher will be suitably impressed, and won’t have any idea that the experiments actually came out of the May, 1943, issue of Popular Science.


UFOs and IFOs by Gardner Soule

UFOsAndIFOsI recall checking out the book shown here, UFOs and IFOs: A Factual Report on Flying Saucers, by Gardner Soule, from the library in my elementary school. Looking at the reviews on Amazon, it looks like this particular tome made its way into a lot of elementary school libraries. In any event, it was a scholarly look at the UFO phenomenon, and since it was presumably vetted by the school librarian, it must have been real science.

The author was a fairly prolific writer about topics that we might today call the paranormal. He specialized in cryptozoology, and according to Wikipedia, his most famous work was Maybe Monsters.  (But in my opinion, UFOs and IFOs was the most popular.)  He specialized in books for young readers, and his works appeared in Boys’ Life and Popular Science.

The main thing I remember from this book, though, was his advice as to preparing for encountering a UFO. If you happened to be in a position to observe a UFO, then it was more or less an obligation that you would use the opportunity to gather data for use by the scientific community. I believe that one item he recommended that you carry with you at all times was a small compass, so that you could report back to the scientists any magnetic activity from the UFO. But the specific recommendation that I remember was that you carry with you at all times a diffraction grating. Armed with this, you would be able to determine the spectrum of light from the craft. Scientists would then be able to use this information to ascertain the materials used in the craft.

I forget whether I took to carrying a compass with me, but I never did figure out how to get my hands on a diffraction grating for my everyday carry. Thankfully, they’re easy to find these days.

If you see a UFO, and don’t have a diffraction grating in your pocket, you’re going to feel embarrassed, especially since we gave you this reminder. The scientists won’t be happy. Therefore, we recommend that you order one immediately. Fortunately, they are now available at our sister site,, for only $3.99, which includes free shipping anywhere in the world.

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1953 Asco Audiomat

Screenshot 2023-04-28 8.59.59 AMSeventy years ago, this high fidelity salesperson didn’t need to work hard to make a sale. The equipment practically sold itself, thanks to the “Audiomat” from Asco Sound Corporation. It would accommodate up to ten tuners, twenty amplifiers, and twenty speakers, all of which could be compactly mounted. Then, at a touch of the button, the salesperson would seamlessly switch from one to the other.

To allow the customer to hear how the equipment would sound at home, the store would have a separate den-sized listening room, with a smaller version of the Audiomat. From there, the customer could make the final decision of what equipment would best suit their needs.

The picture and accompanying article are from the May 1953 issue of Radio News.

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1953 Color Television Demonstration

Screenshot 2023-05-10 11.54.54 AMScreenshot 2023-05-10 11.55.31 AMSeventy years ago today, the May 11, 1953, issue of Life magazine gave Americans this sneak peak at what color television was going to look like. Specifically, it was the compatible color system from RCA (NTSC), which could be viewed on existing black and white sets. The magazine noted that a competing system from CBS had been approved, but was not compatible, and had been shelved by CBS itself. The magazine predicted that approval for RCA’s system would take place sometime in 1954.  The approval actually took place later in 1953, and the first sets were on the market in 1954.

These images were from a demonstration of the system to members of Congress, and show a special production of Kukla, Fran & Ollie.

1948 Philco Radios

1948May17LifeSeventy-five years ago today, the May 10, 1948 issue of Life magazine showed Philco’s lineup of radios. Offerings started with the model 200 for $19.95 and models 250 and 225 for $27.95. At the top of the line was the model 230 “flying wedge” for $29.95.

Two portables are shown, both capable of operating on AC or DC home current, or batteries. The four-tube model 602 was only $29.95, and the six-tube model 360, the “world’s favorite portable” was $49.95. Neither price included batteries.

1963 Combination Radio-Cigarette Lighter

1963MarPSOccasionally, we encounter a concept that is ungoogleable, and today is one of those times. Shown here from 1963 is the combination radio-cigarette lighter. But if you try to Google that phrase, it’s an exercise in frustration, since no matter how to phrase it, and no matter where you put the quotation marks, all you get are radios that can be run off 12 volts from a car cigarette lighter. But the May 1963 issue of Popular Science showed the real deal–a cigarette lighter, no larger than an ordinary cigarette lighter, but containing a two-transistor radio. The radio turned itself on when you plugged in the earphone, and the lighter came to life when you gave it a flick. As shown here, you could use both at the same time.

It was available by mail order for $9.95 from one L. Branvold, 5718 Troost Ave., North Hollywood, California.

PhoneTimerMr. Branvold was apparently a home-based entrepreneur, long before that was a thing, since the address is residential. He would have been successful advertising on our website, since he seemed to find the kinds of products our readers would like. For example, shown at left is another ad for a timer that attaches to the dial of your phone, to make sure those long distance calls don’t drag on past the first three minutes. It’s even self-winding, since it winds itself every time you dial the phone.

Speaking of such products, we’re sure that if any of our readers are looking for either a Kleenex®  holder, or a cell phone holder, then they will agree that the one shown here, which looks like a TV, is the perfect choice.  If they had cell phones in 1963, we have no doubt that Mr. Branvold would have sold these.  It looks like the perfect solution to your cell phone/tissue needs.

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1943 One Tube Superregen

1943MayPracWir11943MayPracWir2Eighty years ago this month, the British Popular Wireless magazine carried the plans for this pocket-sized one tube receiver for the “ultra-short waves.” While the exact frequency range is not stated, the author reports having pulled in several American nd European stations on the 16 meter band, all with a four-foot aerial. The set was very sensitive, but like superregens in general, was not very selective. This, however, was said not to be a disadvantage, since the tuning dial need not be geared. Once the station was tuned in, it was tuned in.

The article warned that the value of the grid lead resistor must not be too low, as this would cause the set to radiate. In addition to being against the law, this would cause interference to other listeners.
