Category Archives: Phonograph History

1955 British Radio-Phono

Screenshot 2025-02-14 10.13.11 AMThe excitement is palpable in this image from the cover of the March 1955 issue of Practical Wireless. It looks like they’re simply listening to a record on their radiogram (what we would call a radio-phono on this side of the Pond). But one of them actually built the set according to plans in the magazine.

The set was said to be a selective and sensitive station getter, and had a tolerably high standard of reproduction for both the wireless and the gramophone. The March issue started the construction plans for the eight-tube set, to be continued in the April issue.

Hi-Fi Hobbyists, 1955

1955JanPE1955JanPE2Seventy years ago this month, this couple made the cover of Popular Electronics, January 1955, by putting the finishing touches on their Hi-Fi system.

The issue of the magazine carried a number of articles that would be helpful to them, and noted that the Hi-Fi fan was at heart a hobbyist. That could mean a music lover, someone who simply enjoys good reproduction, or building the equipment.

The painting was by  Leo R. Summers.

1939 GE Model HB-408 Portable Radio-Phono

1939DecNRNEighty-five years ago, this young woman is enjoying some musical entertainment at the beach, thanks to her General Electric model HB-408 portable radio-phono.  The set featured a mechanical record player, which could play two ten-inch records on a single crank.  The electronics consisted of four tubes (1A7G, 1N5G, 1H5G, and 1Q5G), powered by one 1.5 volt A battery and two 45 volt B batteries.  It featured a four-inch speaker.  She had no trouble getting it to the beach, as it was a featherweight 19.5 pounds.

The picture appeared in the December 1939 issue of National Radio News.

1954 Portable Hi-Fi

1954DecRadioNewsSeventy years ago, this homemaker was able to prepare her family’s holiday meal while she was entertained by high-fidelity music, thanks to this portable sound system mounted on a household teacart. The photo was provided by Regency, and the equipment consisted of the Regency HF -150 high- fidelity amplifier, the Webcor “Diskchanger,” and the Jensen “Duette” reproducer.

The photo appeared on the cover of Radio News, December 1954, and the magazine noted that eagle-eyed readers might notice the lack of interconnecting cables.  This was explained by the possibility that she didn’t want to finish hooking it up until dinner was on the table.

1939 Portable Sound System

1939NovPM11939NovPM2Eighty-five years ago, the gentleman shown here spinning the records put his entrepreneurial skills as well as his tech savvy to work with this portable sound system he designed. He is one Fred Dingman, who authored two construction articles about how to build the sound system in the November and December 1939 issues of Popular Mechanics.

He reported that the investment was only about $25, as all parts are inexpensive, and he built the enclosures himself. The finished circuit put out 10 watts of undistorted sound to two 12-inch speakers, meaning that he could provide adequate volume for small halls or outdoors. It was designed as an inexpensive substitute for small dance orchestras, and he had no difficulty obtaining engagements for fraternity and sorority parties, dancing clubs, or lawn gatherings in a middle west university town.

At a reasonable rate, he provided the equipment, operator, and records. For those wishing to follow in his footsteps, the magazine could provide a complete set of blueprints.  The system could also accommodate a microphone.


1924 Phonograph for Language Learning

Screenshot 2024-05-06 10.22.46 AMA hundred years ago this month, the May 1924 issue of Science and Invention shows the latest development in language education, namely, the photograph.

The main breakthrough here is that instead of listening through a horn, the phonograph reproducer contains a microphone, which is hooked to an amplifier feeding headphones for the individual students. The teacher is also supplied with a microphone, through which she can address the students without any need for them to remove the headphones.

The phonograph is also equipped to cut disks.

Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company, Omaha, 1924

19240506OmahaBeeIf you were in the market for a phonograph in Omaha, then the place to go would be the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company, as shown in this ad from the Omaha Bee, May 6, 1924.

It wasn’t unusual for piano dealers to sell phonographs.  This made sense, since they were hedging their bets–if phonographs meant people would stop buying pianos, they were covered either way.  But this dealer took it a step further–just in case radio marked the end of phonographs, they had that covered, too.  If you bought a phonograph from them, they would throw in a free crystal set.

1939 Typing Class

1939JanRadioRetailingAs shown here in the January 1939 issue of Radio Retailing, it looks like a few boys 85 years ago got the memo that the place to meet girls (and learn a useful skill) was to take typing class.

And this school was doing it right. Above the blackboard, you can see a loudspeaker, which is playing an amplified recording. The magazine notes that this delivers a rhythm, which is desirable for the student typists to develop a uniform touch.

1949 RCA Victor FM

1944Jan17LifeSeventy-five years ago today, the January 17, 1949, issue of Life magazine showed these two FM offerings from RCA Victor.

The nine-tube model 8V90 stood only 33-1/4″ high and 31=1/4″ wide, but included standard broadcast and FM with “RCA Victor’s own simpler, more sensitive Frequency Modulation circuits.” The fine record changer featured a sapphire pickup with no needles to change. The 18th Century-style cabinet also featured a record storage compartment.

For those looking for an FM table radio, the seven-tube model 8X71 was beautifully styled in rich maroon or antique ivory-finish plastic.

1923 Street Grinder Upgrades to Phonograph

Screenshot 2023-12-30 3.18.09 PMJust about any profession can benefit from adopting the latest in technology, as illustrated by this self-explanatory picture in the December 1923 issue of Popular Mechanics.

According to the magazine, this gentleman’s profession, somewhere in Europe, was a mendicant.  That’s a word you don’t hear very often today, but it sounds a lot better than “beggar.”  He had previously operated as an organ grinder (the article didn’t say whether or not he had a monkey), but constantly having to turn the crank proved too hard.  Also, the hand organ was very heavy.  Therefore, he invested in the phonograph shown here, which required cranking only occasionally after a few songs.  Armed with a satchel full of records, he could share his entertainment and eek out a living much more easily.