Happy New Year from OneTubeRadio.com!
For the cynics who believe that the New Year is just a conspiracy by the Big Calendar Companies to sell more calendars, you can beat them at their own game. There are only 14 possible calendars (January 1 falling on Sunday through Saturday, for both regular years and leap years), so it is quite possible to re-use your old calendars.
2023 starts on a Sunday, as did 1911. So rather than spending your money on a new calendar, just print out this perfectly good 1911 calendar, taken from the 1911 edition of the Old Farmer’s Almanac.
The book is full of other interesting information, such as the 1911 postal rates:

The distinction between the 1 cent and the 2 cent letter rate is that the 1 cent rate is the “drop letter” rate. It covers letters brought to the post office to be delivered to a customer who picks them up at the same office. But if the office has either local delivery or rural delivery, or if it’s sent to another post office, then the 2 cent rate applies.
The book also contains a description of the 1910 appearance of Halley’s Comet, which I was able to see (albeit barely) in 1986.