MacMillan Arctic Expedition, 1923

We’ve previously written about the MacMillan Arctic expedition.  It was the first such expedition to be equipped with radio.  The radio operator was Don Mix, later W1TS, who went on to be a prolific writer of construction articles for QST.

A hundred years ago, if you wanted to stay up to date with the expedition, you would definitely want to take out a subscription to the Washington Star, as explained in this ad from the June 26, 1923, issue.  The paper would report dispatches received by radio, but for those who wanted to stay in close touch, all that was required was a ham license and station, or just a receiver to listen in.  The ad lists the times at which the expedition’s station (WNP, for Wireless North Pole) would be on the air.  And from 1:00 to 2:59 AM and again from 3:00 to 7:00 AM, it would be open for contacts with amateurs.  As we reported previously, Art Collins, W9CXX (later W0CXX) was able to do just that.