1943 One Tube Superregen

1943MayPracWir11943MayPracWir2Eighty years ago this month, the British Popular Wireless magazineĀ carried the plans for this pocket-sized one tube receiver for the “ultra-short waves.” While the exact frequency range is not stated, the author reports having pulled in several American nd European stations on the 16 meter band, all with a four-foot aerial. The set was very sensitive, but like superregens in general, was not very selective. This, however, was said not to be a disadvantage, since the tuning dial need not be geared. Once the station was tuned in, it was tuned in.

The article warned that the value of the grid lead resistor must not be too low, as this would cause the set to radiate. In addition to being against the law, this would cause interference to other listeners.
