1937 Disco Ball

1937DecPSWhat we know as the “disco ball” has a long heritage, as shown by this depiction 85 years ago in the December 1937 issue of Popular Science. The magazine featured a number of ideas on what to do with a broken mirror, and assured readers that it needn’t signify seven years of bad luck.

1937DecPS2The magazine noted that one use was to provide spectacular color effects for parties and dances. This was done by focusing colored spotlights on a mirror-covered globe. This was made by cementing small squares of mirror on a large ball or toy globe. This was attached to a spindle which could be spun by hand or with a small geared-down motor.

According to Wikipedia, what is now known as the disco ball dates back to 1917.

If you have a piece of mirror left over after making your disco ball, you can mystify your friends with the magic trick shown below:
