Tune in the World: 1972

1972JanPMFifty years ago this month, this gentleman was pulling in a shortwave program on his Hallicrafters S-120A receiver, and the excitement of his hobby was shared in a feature article in the January 1972 issue of Popular Mechanics.

The magazine noted that the hobby was enjoying a resurgence, since relatively inexpensive receivers had replaced the costly and rather crude-looking earlier models. There were numerous compact, smartly styled sets between $50 and $200, including the one shown above, which retailed for $79.95, and could run on either batteries or household current.

The article outlined the differences between receivers for international shortwave, and those for VHF-UHF signals such as police radio. It warned that the most sensitive communications receivers might cover only the ham bands, and “unless you’re interested in getting into amateur radio yourself, listening exclusively to ham talk can be a bit dull.”