1942 Radios

1942Jan14PghPressIt hadn’t been announced yet, but eighty years ago today, the domestic production of radios and phonographs for civilian use would end in justĀ over three months. So the prudent listener might consider getting a second radio for the bedroom, just in case the main set in the living room ran into trouble. And for $7.95, this one might fit the bill. It was a basic four-tube set, but it would pull in the local stations with war news. And if cash was short, you could get it for a quarter down, and a quarter per week.

If you had a bit more disposable income, then $32.95, or just a dollar a week, would get you this five-tube set with an automatic record changer. The ad for Kappels Jewelry, 535 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh,

The store closed in 1993, after over 70 years in business.