1951 Three Tube British Receiver

1951OctRadioConstrThe plans for this handsome three-tube set are shown in the October 1951 issue of the British Radio Constructor magazine. The set uses three 6AG5 tubes, which were said to be readily available at Government Surplus Stores. One disadvantage of the tubes was the non-variable Mu characteristics, which meant that a conventional volume control was not possible. Undaunted, the volume control is placed in line with the antenna, which could be as short as a few feet. The volume control would be rendered inoperative if the antenna coil picked up signals, so the article explained how to shield that coil.

In the circuit below, the set is for the medium wave band only. If long waves were desired, a second set of coils were used, and switched into the circuit. The band switch also had a third position to power off the set.

The circuit was designed by Peter T. Pitts, G3GYE, who died in 2020 at the age of 92.
