1936 Bond Flashlights

1946OctRadioRetailingEighty-five years ago, the radio detailer looking for an additional profit center couldn’t go wrong by stocking a few of these flashlights from the Bond Electric Company. Two models were available, both all metal construction with full chromium finish. Both used two cells, one a floodlight for 39 cents, and the other, for just a dime more, featured a focusing spotlight.

Of course, customers would eventually be back for more batteries, so it was a winning proposition for the long term.

The ad appeared in the October 1936 issue of Radio Retailing.  According to this inflation calculator, the 39 cents works out to $7.52 in 2021 dollars, and the 49 cent deluxe model would be $9.45. How does that compare to the modern equivalent below, which comes in a four pack?  The modern ones use LED’s, and with longer battery life, there will probably be less repeat business for replacement batteries.

You can see more examples of flashlights from this company at this link.

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