1921: New Transcontinental Radio Record

1921Jan19WashStarThis item appeared a hundred years ago today, January 19, 1921, in the Washington Evening Star:


Civilian Message, Coast to Coast, and Reply in 6 1-2 Minutes.

HARTFORD, Conn., January 19.–A new civilian wireless record was established when Hiram Percy Maxim sent a message from his station here to Los Angeles, Calif., and received a reply 6-1/2 minutes later. The messages were relayed by stations at Chicago and Roswell. N. M.

Tests under the auspices or the American Radio Relay League, of which Mr. Maxim is president, have been made for four nights. It was announced the preceding day that a message had been sent to Los Angeles from this city and a reply received in 1 hour and 8 minutes, a new civilian mark for cross-continent wireless relay. The former record was said to have been 1 hour and 20 minutes, established four years ago by the Maxim station.

Amateur radio operators In all parts of the country sent messages of congratulations to Maxim when they learned through their wireless sets of the new record.