Kathi’s CB Carousel Turns 50

1970JulyEEWe’ve previously written about (here and here) Elementary Electronics CB editor Kathi Martin, KGK3916. She got her big break fifty years ago this month, July 1970, when her column, Kathi’s CB Carousel, first appeared in the magazine.

We read her column every month, but we always wondered what a nice girl like Kathi was doing in a place like 11 meters.  In any event, we congratulate Kathi on this important anniversary and wish her all the best.

One of our readers made a strong circumstantial case that Kathi, along with her husband, is the author of this interesting looking book on how live a retirement lifestyle yet keep money rolling in with continuing education seminars.  It’s not a bad idea, as I also try to make a living with  such seminars (although mine tend to be in places like Iowa, and she seems to recommend more popular tourist destinations).