1943 112 MHz Transceiver

1943OctQSTcoverThe cover of the October 1943 issue of QST showed theĀ  transceiver dubbed the “Handy Andy,” a two-tube handie talkie for use on the 112 MHz WERS band. The author notes that strictly speaking, the set is not a transceiver. Even though the same tube is used for both the transmitter and superregenerative receiver, different tank networks are used for each, allowing the frequencies to be adjusted separately. Switching was taken care of with a homemade switch, since both the audio and RF sections needed to be switched over.

B batteries could be used, but the author noted that it was being used with a 130 volt vibrator power supply running from the car battery, which provided about 6.5 watts input power. Range was said to be between a quarter and half mile, which could possibly be extended with larger tubes and higher plate voltage. The RF section could use a 6J5, 6C5, 6F6, or 6V6GT. The audio tube could be a 6F6 or 6V6GT.
