1928 Beginner’s Crystal Set

1928JulyRadioNews2Ninety years ago this month, the July 1928 issue of Radio News carried the plans for this simple crystal set. The magazine noted that the multi-tube sets could pull in distant signals, but there was something to be said for the thrill of receiving a local station on a simple receiver built at very low cost. It noted that the majority of receivers in Europe and other parts of the world were still crystal sets, and that the crystal set was actually superior when it came to the quality of the signal received, since there was no distortion caused by the tubes. And added bonus was the lack of operating cost, since not battery was required.

The magazine especially reminded parents that if a boy was interested in radio, then a good way to keep him out of mishcief was to get him started building his own. The simple set would pull in the local stations, and also give him insight into doing things for himself.
