This month 75 years ago, the April 1942 issue of QST carried this “stray” item announcing the death of Andreas Bertnes, LA6R, an amateur radio operator from Sendefyord, Norway, who was executed by the Nazis.
Bertnes, a medical student, was a member of a resistance group known as the Ask-gruppen. The members were rounded up in March 1941. Three, Bertnes along with Øyvind Ask and Johan Midttun, were sentenced to death on November 22. They were executed by being shot on December 4 at Trandum.

Andreas Bertnes. From the book Vestfold i Krig by Egil Christophersen, courtesy of
Bertnes was one of four amateur radio operators executed during the war for their resistance activities.
Bernes was active on the air before the war. He was listed in the “calls heard” listings by an English SWL on 20 meters in November 1937 and and April 1938.