Shown here in the October 25, 1941, issue of Radio Guide is the Shortwave Listening Station which the NBC network had recently installed at Bellmore, Long Island. The station was in operation 24 hours a day, and the staff of 24 foreign language experts and radio engineers kept tab on the war of words coming from Europe.
The issue also reported on a publicity stunt recently conducted by Berlin Radio. For a number of days, the station had announced that Lord Haw Haw had been banned from the air. Then, an announcement followed that Lord Haw Haw would be allowed to come on the air and give his side of the story.
Many American editors fell for it, and the broadcast received plenty of advance publicity. However, Lord Haw Haw hadn’t been banned from the German airwaves. It was a publicity stunt in which he announced merely that the American networks refused to carry his propaganda.