Babette Goes To War: 1959


Shown here under the sheets is Brigitte Bardot from the 1959 French comedy Babette Goes to War (Babette s’en va-t-en guerre). Of particular interest to our readers is, of course, what she’s doing under the sheets, namely, sending CW.  Babette, a French country girl in London, played by Mlle. Bardot, does her part in the war effort by parachuting into German-occupied France to kidnap a German general. She bumbles through her mission with a heroic finish.

In this still from the movie, the naysayer might point out that her technique with the key leaves something to be desired. However, the criticism is unwarranted given the circumstances. She is transmitting from underneath her sheets in the very hotel that was serving as the Nazi headquarters. The German direction-finding truck pinpoints her location, a Nazi bursts into her room, only to retreat when the girl under the sheets protests that she’s naked.

The film was a big hit in France, with over 4.6 million tickets sold. On this side of the Atlantic, the New York Times review proclaimed the film to have “the anomalous distinction of being occasionally farcical and somewhat incomprehensible.” The review lamented that “Bardot is clothed almost as abundantly as an Eskimo most of the way through this World War II spoof, and a fully dressed Mlle. Bardot is downright confusing.”

The movie’s trailer, which includes the exciting scene of Mlle. Bardot being tracked by the Nazi DF’ers, in shown here:

This clip shows her send and receive the complete message;

She sends mostly V’s, and a few other random characters which, according to the CW to French subtitles, mean “ALLO LONDRES – LE LEOPARD EST DAN LA CAGE AUX MOUCHES – STOP – C’EST DU PEU AU JUS – FAITES CHAUFFER LA COLLE.” She gets the message back from London, which sounds like “OK OK” to me, but according to the subtitles means “COMPRIS – TRES BIEN – MESSAGE TERMINE.”

The movie doesn’t appear to be available in North America, but you can get a PAL version at Amazon.

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