This ad for Victrola appeared a century ago today, June 12, 1916, in the El Paso Herald.

Nellie Melba. Wikipedia image.
Nellie Melba recorded for Victor, and this ad reminds the readers that “‘Sweet as the voice of Nellie Melba’ is a musical proverb. The capture of her matchlessly pure tones in a fresh flow of beauty is an event of genuine importance to those who cherish genius.”
The particular record being advertised here was “Songs My Mother Taught Me” by Dvorak, available only on Victor Records. The twelve inch disc sold for $3. For those who did not yet own a Victrola, they could go to their nearest dealer, who would play the new Melba record or any other Victor music on machines from $10 to $400.
You can listen to the recording being advertised, which was recorded on January 12, 1916, at this video:
Click Here For Today’s Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Cartoon