Radio Stamp Fad of 1925

1925FebRadioNews1925FebRadioNews2A hundred years ago, this gentleman is enjoying the latest craze in the radio world, namely, collecting stamps issued by stations around the country. He purchased the album from the Ekko Company, 111 West Monroe St., Chicago for $1.75. It contained hundreds of spots for stamps for various stations. It also included cards to be sent to the stations with reception reports, along with a spot to place a dime. If the reception report checked out, the station would send you a stamp for your album. Chances are, they made a modest profit, thanks to your dime.

As your album filled up, you could show off to your friends what stations you pulled in, with the proof right in front of their eyes.

The cover is from the February 1925 issue of Radio News, which carried an article discussing the system. It also just happened to have an ad for Ekko, from which you could order your album.

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