Mrs. Jones’ Wartime Chipped Teacup

1944SepRadioCraftTeacupAdDuring World War II, according to this ad in the September 1944 issue of Radio Craft, one Mrs. Jones proudly used this chipped teacup to serve her guest, no matter the guest. She was proud of it because it showed that she was doing her patriotic duty to keep prices under control. She didn’t know the complicated economic theories about inflation, but she knew that she could do her part to stop it by giving up unnecessary spending for the duration. She saved the money instead, and bought war bonds, and after the war, she could buy a lot of things that weren’t currently available.

She also knew to pay no more than ceiling prices, and to follow ration regulations scrupulously.

The ad was sponsored by the War Advertising Council, now known as the Ad Council. It was approved by the Office of War Information.

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