George Ott, Jr., Meadville, PA, 1950

1950FebNRNShown here 75 years ago is radio servicing professional George Ott, Jr., of Meadville, PA. Ten years prior, at the age of 24, Ott had lost the use of both of his legs. After being confined to bed and then surgery, he was able to get around with a wheelchair.  In 1943, he enrolled in the National Radio Institute correspondence school, and made steady progress from that time.

He reported that despite his disability, he was doing fine in radio and television. His firm had taken on a contract with Montgomery Ward for service and installation, and he also worked with two other local furniture dealers. While they stocked some televisions, service was the heart of their business, rather than sales.

The picture appeared on the cover of National Radio News, February 1950.

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