1964 Two-Tube Transmitter

1964SepEIThis ham 60 years ago is putting some CW contacts in the log thanks to the transmitter described in the September 1964 issue of Electronics Illustrated. The article promises that the ham with a well stocked junkbox of parts from old radios and TVs can put it together for $5. Even if all parts are bought new, the cost would be about $25, including the cake pan. It uses a 6V6, although a 6F6 or 6K6 could be substituted. It also calls for a 5U4 rectifier. The coil is wound on a toilet paper tube, using normal bell wire. An 80 meter crystal can be used on either 40 or 80 meters.

The small box next to the transmitter is a transistorized keying monitor. It seems to use a diode to rectify the RF to key a code oscillator.



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