British Two-Tube Easi-Build Receiver

1954SepRadioConstructorSeventy years ago, the cover of the September 1954 issue of Radio Constructor carried the plans for this two-tube receiver, dubbed the Easi-Build. It was so named because, well, it was easy to build. The magazine noted that it often carried articles on how to build sophisticated test equipment and even televisions, but they received many letters letting them know there was a strong demand for a “simple receiver which may be constructed by the tyro who has little experience and few facilities.”

This set used a regenerative detector. It noted that was not really necessary for the local stations for which the set was designed, but might be helpful in some cases. It was strictly a local set. It was sensitive, and could be expected to pull in some continental stations. But the simple tuning arrangement meant that it might be hard to separate the weak stations. A four-foot antenna was said to be adequate for both the medium and the long waves, both of which were tuned on the same tuning range.


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