1954 Ship Radio

1954SepRadioElecSeventy years ago, this mariner was placing a radio call from this well-equipped shipboard station. The transmitter is below deck, and shown on deck is the receiver and direction finder. The illustration appeared on the cover of the September 1954 issue of Radio-Electronics, which carried an article explaining how servicemen could take advantage of some recent FCC rulings to drive some business during the off season.

According to the magazine, the model in the photo is one Mary Gardner. She is apparently calling on the intership frequency of 2738 kHz, rather than the more congested 2638 kHz channel. The FCC had recently ruled that to use the 2738 frequency, the second harmonic (5476 kHz) radiation of the transmitter must be down 40 dB, whereas the requirements for other channels was somewhat more lax. This presented an opportunity for the radio man to add the additional channel, and the article showed some pointers on how to make sure the second harmonic was sufficiently suppressed, and how to measure it.

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