Radio Scouting, 1949

1949AugRadioNewsShown here, in the August 1949 issue of Radio News, is Charles Schram, W9UBT, instructing the Scouts of Troop 510 of Chicago on the finer points of Ham Radio. The troop’s scoutmaster decided that ham radio would be a worthwhile activity for the Scouts, and started seeking an instructor to get them started. He called all of the clubs in the area and wasn’t able to find any volunteers. So he started calling individual hams and initially struck out. But eventually, he called Schram, who enthusiastically accepted the assignment.

Schram was an active ham and former scout. He was first licensed in 1941, and served in the Army starting in 1943, where he was wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. Forty-five scouts, as well as nine fathers, signed on for the classes. Of the scouts, 32 were twelve years of age.

Schram died in 2017 at the age of 93.