ZN414 AM Receiver Chip, 1974

1974JunPEWe previously featured the ZN414 integrated circuit, which contains all of the electronics for an AM receiver in one chip. Fifty years ago, the June 1974 issue of Popular Electronics gave some more ideas for using the chip. The simplest was the receiver for the AM broadcast band shown in the first page of the article. With just a little bit of modification, you could turn it into a receiver for WWV.  The most complex project suggested was a receiver for longwave weather broadcasts.

If you are interested in similar designs, the modern replacement for this chip is the the TA7642, which is readily available on Amazon.

If you want someone else to handle the parts procurement, you can’t go wrong with this Elenco AM radio kit, which uses two IC’s, one for the radio receiver, and one for an audio amp to drive the speaker. (And don’t forget the 9 volt battery and this soldering kit, which contains everything you’ll need to put the kit together.)

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