1948 One Tube Portable

1948JulPracWir1948JulPracWirFrontPicThe plans for this nondescript by effective one-tube portable radio appeared in Practical Wireless, July 1948. The set uses a 6K7 pentode, and uses a singl 4.5 volt battery as its power source. According to the author, F.G. Rayer, G3OGR, the set would pull in local stations with just a short piece of wire. With a longer outdoor antenna, it could pull in foreign stations, although lack of selectivity limited its usefulness. The power switch and band switching was accomplished with three terminals on the front of the radio. For longwave reception, terminals 2 and 3 were shorted out. For mediumwave reception, all three terminals were shorted, effectively shortening the coil. For mediumwave reception only, another coil could be substituted.

According to the author, “it should be unnecessary to point but that the receiver is intended mainly as a novelty, but that even so it is capable of surprising results under certain conditions.”
