1947 Two-Tube Transmitter for 80 and 40

1947AprRadioNews4From the April 1947 issue of Radio News, this three-piece unit is a simple transmitter for 80 or 40 meters. The transmitter itself is the center chassis, using two tubes to put out 10-30 watts with a crystal-controlled oscillator and one stage of amplification. It will load up into a longwire, a tin roof, or just about anything that’s available. The main advantage of the additional RF stage is to keep the antenna from loading down the oscillator, and the author notes that the RF stage is untuned, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking into oscillation.

If desired, the modulator stage will turn the set into a ‘phone rig, but for the CW man, this can be dispensed with.

The author, Byron Lindsey, Jr., W4BIW, an engineer at WSB, reported that the transmitter could be put together on a single rainy day, and that a similar design had been use at his station for ten years.
