U.S. Observes War Time: 1942

1942Feb23LifeEighty years ago today, this picture appeared in the February 23, 1942, issue of Life magazine, taken at 2:00 AM on February 9, 1942. The country had just switched to War Time (year round daylight savings time), and as a result, the railroad men of the Rocky Mountain Rocket, an express train of the Rock Island Line moved their watches ahead one hour. To keep the trains in synch, the train came to a stop for an hour one mile west of Menlo, Iowa. A view of the same stretch of track today looking west, courtesy of Google Street View, is shown below.

Shown in the photo of the eastbound train are engineer E.V. Coleman, fireman L.E. Durbin, conductor Fred Lykke, brakeman A.O. Smith, and foreman F.H. Sprenger.
